Form 50-299 - Application For Primarily Charitable Organization Property Tax Exemption / 501(C)(2) Property Tax Exemptions

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P r o p e r t y T a x
Application for Primarily Charitable Organization
Form 50-299
Property Tax Exemption / 501(c)(2) Property Tax Exemptions
Appraisal District’s Name
Phone (area code and number)
Address, City, State, ZIP Code
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: In order to claim this property tax exemption, an organization must receive a determination from the State Comptroller, stating
that it is either 1) engaged primarily in charitable functions as defined under §11.184 of the Tax Code, or 2) a 501(c)(2) corporation that holds title for a quali-
fied charitable organization, as defined under §11.184 of the Tax Code. You must furnish all information and documentation required by the application.
APPLICATION DEADLINES: You must file the completed application with all required documentation between January 1 and no later than April 30 of the
year for which you are requesting an exemption.
To continue to receive an exemption after the fifth year, the organization must obtain a new determination letter and re-apply for the exemption.
Pursuant to Tax Code §11.45, after considering this application and all relevant information, the chief appraiser may request additional information from
you. You must provide the additional information within 30 days of the request or the application is denied. For good cause shown, the chief appraiser may
extend the deadline for furnishing the additional information by written order for a single period not to exceed 15 days.
STEP 1: State the Year for Which You are Seeking an Exemption
State the year for which you are seeking an exemption
STEP 2: Provide Name and Mailing Address of Organization and Identity of Person Preparing Application
Name of Organization
Mailing Address
City, State, ZIP Code
Phone (area code and number)
Organization is a (check one):
Other (specify):
Name of Person Preparing this Application
Driver’s License, Personal I.D. Certificate,
or Social Security Number*
If this application is for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of property owned by a charitable
organization with a federal tax identification number, that number may be provided here in lieu of
a driver’s license number, personal identification certificate number, or social security number: . . . . . . . . . . .
* Unless the applicant is a charitable organization with a federal tax identification number, the applicant’s driver’s license number, personal identification
certificate number, or social security account number is required. Pursuant to Tax Code Section 11.48(a), a driver’s license number, personal identifica-
tion certificate number, or social security account number provided in an application for an exemption filed with a chief appraiser is confidential and not
open to public inspection. The information may not be disclosed to anyone other than an employee of the appraisal office who appraises property, except
as authorized by Tax Code Section 11.48(b). If the applicant is a charitable organization with a federal tax identification number, the applicant may pro-
vide the organization’s federal tax identification number in lieu of a driver’s license number, personal identification certificate number, or social security
account number.
STEP 3: List Taxing Units in Which the Property is Located
The Property Tax Assistance Division at the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts provides property tax
For more information, visit our website:
information and resources for taxpayers, local taxing entities, appraisal districts and appraisal review boards.
50-299 • 08-11/3


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