Form 50-216 - Notice Of Protest Hearing

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P r o p e r t y T a x
Notice of Protest Hearing
Form 50-216
Notice of Protest Hearing for Tax Year
Appraisal Review Board for the
Appraisal District.
Case Number
Account Number
Name of Property Owner
Property Address
Property Description:
Dear Property Owner:
You filed a notice of protest on the above referenced account and we have scheduled you for a hearing. The date, time, and place of your hearing are as follows:
NOTE: On request made to the appraisal review board before the date of the hearing, a property owner who has not designated an agent under Section
1.111 to represent the owner at the hearing is entitled to one postponement of the hearing to a later date without showing cause. In addition and without
limitation as to the number of postponements, the board shall postpone the hearing to a later date if good cause is shown by the property owner or the
owner’s agent or if the chief appraiser consents to the postponement. The hearing may not be postponed to a date less than five or more than 30 days
unless agreed to by the chief appraiser and the appraisal review board chairman or his representative.
It is important that you appear for your hearing at the date and time scheduled. Failure to appear may result in the dismissal of your protest and may
jeopardize other rights to which you may otherwise be entitled.
If you do not want to attend the hearing, the law allows you to submit your evidence in the form of a sworn affidavit. The property owner must attest to the
affidavit before a Notary Public or an officer authorized to administer oaths. The affidavit must arrive at the ARB’s office prior to the date and time of the
You may also have a representative or agent appear for you. This person must have written authorization to represent you. The authorization form must be
signed by you and must be filed with the appraisal district at or before the hearing on the motion or protest.
For your hearing, you should bring written evidence and/or documentation of value to support your protest. You or your agent may inspect and may obtain a
copy of the data, schedules, formulas, and all other information the chief appraiser plans to introduce at the hearing. If you have further questions or if you
require accommodations due to disability, please contact:
The Property Tax Assistance Division at the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts provides property tax
For more information, visit our website:
information and resources for taxpayers, local taxing entities, appraisal districts and appraisal review boards.
50-216 • 08-11/6


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