Form 50-212 - Notice Of Effective Tax Rate

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Notice of
(Rev. 08-09/10)
Tax Rate
Property Tax Rates in
(insert year)
(for use by most
(insert taxing unit name)
taxing units)
(insert year)
(insert taxing unit name)
This notice concerns
property tax rates for
It presents information about three tax rates. Last year’s tax rate is the actual rate the taxing unit used to
determine property taxes last year. This year’s effective tax rate would impose the same total taxes as last
year if you compare properties taxed in both years. This year’s rollback tax rate is the highest tax rate the
taxing unit can set before taxpayers can start tax rollback procedures. In each case these rates are found by
dividing the total amount of taxes by the tax base (the total value of taxable property) with adjustments as
required by state law. The rates are given per $100 of property value.
Last year’s tax rate:
Last year’s operating taxes
Last year’s debt taxes
Last year’s total taxes
Last year’s tax base
Last year’s total tax rate
This year’s effective tax rate:
Last year’s adjusted taxes
(after subtracting taxes on lost property)
÷ This year’s adjusted tax base
(after subtracting value of new property)
= This year’s effective tax rate
(Maximum rate unless unit publishes notices and holds hearings.)
In the first year a hospital district or city collects the additional sales tax to reduce property taxes, it must insert the
following lines unless its first adjustment was made last year:
– Sales tax adjustment rate
= Effective tax rate
This year’s rollback tax rate:
Last year’s adjusted operating taxes
(after subtracting taxes on lost property
and adjusting for any transferred function,
tax increment financing, state criminal
justice mandate, and/or enhanced indigent
health care expenditures)
÷ This year’s adjusted tax base
= This year’s effective operating rate
x 1.08 = this year’s maximum operating rate
+ This year’s debt rate
= This year’s total rollback rate
A hospital district or city that collects the additional sales tax to reduce property taxes, including one that collects the
tax for the first time this year, must insert the following lines:
– Sales tax adjustment rate
= Rollback tax rate
For a taxing unit with additional rollback rate for pollution control, insert the following lines:
+ Additional rollback rate for pollution control
= Rollback tax rate


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