Form GPPL1
(iii) I have agreed with my employer that I will take my paternity leave in one or more
periods based on my number of working days per week
within 12 months from the
child’s date of birth, on such days to be agreed between my employer and myself.
I have read and understood the explanatory notes.
I hereby declare that all information given in this declaration is true, correct and complete.
I understand that –
a) if I knowingly make any false or misleading statement, or produce or furnish, or cause or knowingly allow
to be produced or furnished, any document which I know to be false or misleading in a material particular,
I shall be guilty of an offence under section 16 of the Child Development Co-Savings Act (Cap. 38A)
(CDC Act) and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $20,000 or to imprisonment for a term
not exceeding 12 months or to both; and
b) my employer or the Government may recover from me any moneys paid out to me in reliance of a false or
misleading statement or document or by reason of a mistake of fact, pursuant to section 11 of the CDC
Employee’s Name
Part G: Employer’s Acknowledgement
Format of taking leave
Note: Please ensure that your employee has met all the eligibility criteria and conditions (refer to
paragraphs 1 to 4 of the Explanatory Notes) before granting the paternity leave as the Government will not
reimburse you if your employee is not eligible for the Government-Paid Paternity Leave Scheme.
I have agreed to allow my employee to take his paternity leave continuously within 16
weeks of the child’s date of birth. (If the answer is “Yes”, please ignore question A (ii).)
(ii) I have agreed to allow my employee to take his paternity leave in one or more periods
within 12 months from the child’s date of birth, on such days to be agreed between the
employee and myself.
Name & Designation
Signature & Company Stamp
Note to employer:
Please do not submit this declaration form. However please keep this form for a period of 5 years from the
date the form is submitted to you by your employee, for verification of details if necessary.
The total number of days in one or more such periods is the number of working days in a week multiplied by the number of
weeks of paternity leave in Part B(i), subject to a cap of 6 or 12 days.
Updated January 2017
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Version 2017.1