Form 510c - Maryland Composite Pass-Through Entity Income Tax Return - 2011 Page 3

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Schedule A Instructions. Complete the following for each eligible
nonresident individual member who has elected to be included on this
Pass-through entities (PTEs) may use Form 510C to file a composite
composite return .
income tax return on behalf of eligible nonresident individual members .
Nonresident members other than individuals may not participate in
Column A Member’s full name and Social Security number .
the composite return. The Maryland tax of each nonresident individual
Column B Member’s number of exemption allowance .
member is calculated using the rate of 5 .50% plus the 1 .25% .
Column C Member’s exemption amount . See instruction for Form
510C, line 4 .
Who may use this form. Nonresident individual members of a PTE
Column D Member’s standard deduction . See instruction for Form
doing business in the State who meet the composite return requirements
510C, line 5 .
contained in Administrative Release 6 and elect to be included in a
Column E Member’s share of decoupling modification flow-through
composite return may not be required to file Maryland nonresident
from the PTE . See instruction for Form 510C, line 7 .
returns individually. Instead, the PTE doing business in the State may file
a composite return on behalf of such nonresident individual members if:
Column F Member’s pro rata share of income allocable to Maryland;
it is the member’s portion of what is reported on line 4 of
1. Form 510C accurately reflects the Maryland taxable income and tax
Form 510 .
liability of each individual member shown on the return, AND
Column G Member’s pro rata share of the nonresident withholding
2 . Form 510C Schedule A is attached containing all required information
tax paid; it is the member’s portion of what is reported on
for each individual member, AND
line 16d and line 17 of form 510 .
3 . The PTE pays the tax, interest and penalty due by each individual
Direct Deposit of Refund. In order to comply with banking rules, we ask
member shown on the return .
you to indicate on your return if the state refund is going to an account
Any overpaid amount will be refunded to the PTE. For more
outside the United States . If you indicate that this is the case, do not
information, Administrative Release 6 may be obtained from our Web
enter your routing and account numbers, as the direct deposit option is
site at .
not available to you . We will send you a paper check . Complete lines
Line 2
Enter the number of eligible nonresident individual members
18a, b and c of Form 510C if you want us to deposit your refund directly
who have elected to be included on this composite return .
into your account at a bank or other financial institution (such as a mutual
Fiduciaries are not eligible and cannot be included .
fund, brokerage firm or credit union) in the United States.
Line 4
Enter the total exemption amount reported on Column C,
Signature Verification. An authorized general partner, officer or member
Form 510C Schedule A . The exemption amount allowed
of the PTE must sign and date Form 510C and enter his or her title . If
for each nonresident individual member must be determined
a preparer is used, the preparer must also sign the return and enter the
separately based on the individual member’s filing status.
firm’s name, address and Preparer’s Tax Identification Number (PTIN).
Penalties may be imposed for tax preparers who fail to sign the tax return
Generally, a nonresident is allowed the same number of
and provide their Preparer’s Tax Identification Number.
exemptions that the nonresident is permitted on the federal
return; however, the exemption amount is different, and is
Attachments and Mailing Instruction. Mail the completed return
further prorated by the nonresident’s Maryland income factor .
and all required attachments to Comptroller of Maryland, Revenue
See Instruction 10 of Form 505, Maryland Nonresident
Administration Division, 110 Carroll Street, Annapolis, MD 21411-
Income Tax Return to determine the exemption amount
0001. Must attach with Form 510C: (1) Form 510C Schedule A, (2) the
before multiplying it by the Maryland income factor, which is
PTE’s Form 510 Schedule B, Part I for individual members; and (3) the
the nonresident’s Maryland adjusted gross income (generally
members’ Form 510 Schedule K-1 issued by the PTE .
from Form 510C, Schedule A, Column F) divided by the
Extension of time to File. Use Form 502E to file an extension and make
nonresident’s federal adjusted gross income (FAGI) .
payment . See Administrative Release 4 .
Line 5
Enter the total standard deduction amount reported on
Amended Returns. If filing an amended return, check the Amended
Column D, Form 510C, Schedule A . The standard deduction
Return box on page 1 of Form 510C .
amount allowed for each nonresident individual member must
Privacy Act Information. The Tax-General Article of the Annotated
be determined separately based on the individual member's
Code of Maryland authorizes the Revenue Administration Division to
Maryland adjusted gross income, and then prorated by the
request information on tax returns to administer the income tax laws
nonresident’s Maryland income factor . See Instruction 15
of Maryland, including determination and collection of correct taxes .
of Form 505, Maryland Nonresident Income Tax Return
Code Section 10-804 provides that you must include your Social
for determining the standard deduction amount . See the
Security number on the return you file. This is so we know who you
instruction for line 4 for the nonresident individual member’s
are and can process your return and papers . If you fail to provide all or
Maryland income factor .
part of the requested information, then applicable exemptions, credits,
Line 7
Enter the total PTE flow-through decoupling modification
deductions or adjustments may be disallowed and you may owe more
amount reported on Column E, Form 510C.
No flow-
tax . In addition, the law provides penalties for failing to supply information
through addition or subtraction modifications, other than the
required by law or regulations . You may look at any records held by
modification required as a result of Maryland’s decoupling
the Revenue Administration Division which contain personal information
from the additional depreciation allowance and special 5-year
about you . You may inspect such records, and you have certain rights to
net operating loss carryback provisions may be claimed on a
amend or correct them . As authorized by law, information furnished to
composite return . See Administrative Release No . 38 .
the Revenue Administration Division may be given to the United States
Internal Revenue Service, a proper official of any state that exchanges
Line 15
If there is a balance due on line 13, interest may be due as
result of late filing of Form 510C and payment of tax. Interest
tax information with Maryland and to an officer of this State having a right
is due at the rate of 13% annually or 1 .08% per month for any
to the information in that officer’s official capacity. The information may
month or part of a month that a tax is paid after the original
be obtained in accordance with a proper legislative or judicial order .
due date of the return . The Maryland Revenue Administration
Division will calculate the interest and penalty for failure to
pay the required amount of tax and notify the pass-through
entity of any balance due .


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