Form Il-W-4 - Employee'S Illinois Withholding Allowance Certificate And Instructions Page 2


Illinois Withholding Allowance Worksheet
General Information
If you have more than one job or your spouse works, you should
Complete this worksheet to figure your total withholding
figure the total number of allowances you are entitled to claim.
Your withholding usually will be more accurate if you claim all of
Everyone must complete Step 1.
your allowances on the Form IL-W-4 for the highest-paying job and
Complete Step 2 if
claim zero on all of your other IL-W-4 forms.
• you (or your spouse) are age 65 or older or legally blind, or
You may reduce the number of allowances or request that your
• you wrote an amount on Line 4 of the Deductions and
employer withhold an additional amount from your pay, which may
Adjustments Worksheet for federal Form W-4.
help avoid having too little tax withheld.
Step 1: Figure your basic personal allowances
(including allowances for dependents)
Check all that apply:
No one else can claim me as a dependent.
I can claim my spouse as a dependent.
1 Write the total number of boxes you checked.
1 _______________
2 Write the number of dependents (other than you or your spouse) you will claim on your tax return.
2 _______________
3 Add Lines 1 and 2. Write the result. This is the total number of basic personal allowances to which
you are entitled.
3 _______________
4 If you want to have additional Illinois Income Tax withheld from your pay, you may reduce the
number of basic personal allowances or have an additional amount withheld. Write the total number
of basic personal allowances you elect to claim on Line 4 and on Form IL-W-4, Line 1.
4 _______________
Step 2: Figure your additional allowances
Check all that apply:
I am 65 or older.
I am legally blind.
My spouse is 65 or older.
My spouse is legally blind.
5 Write the total number of boxes you checked.
5 _______________
6 Write any amount that you reported on Line 4 of the Deductions and Adjustments Worksheet
for federal Form W-4 plus any additional Illinois subtractions or deductions.
6 _______________
7 Divide Line 6 by 1,000. Round to the nearest whole number. Write the result on Line 7.
7 _______________
8 Add Lines 5 and 7. Write the result. This is the total number of additional allowances to which
you are entitled.
8 _______________
9 If you want to have additional Illinois Income Tax withheld from your pay, you may reduce the
number of additional allowances or have an additional amount withheld. Write the total number
of additional allowances you elect to claim on Line 9 and on Form IL-W-4, Line 2.
9 _______________
If you have non-wage income and you expect to owe Illinois Income Tax on that income, you may choose to have an additional
amount withheld from your pay. On Line 3 of Form IL-W-4, write the additional amount you want your employer to withhold.
Cut here and give the certificate to your employer. Keep the top portion for your records
Illinois Department of Revenue
Employee’s Illinois Withholding Allowance Certificate
Write the total number of basic allowances that you
____ ____ ____ - ____ ____ - ____ ____ ____ ____
are claiming (Step 1, Line 4, of the worksheet).
Social Security number
Write the total number of additional allowances that
you are claiming (Step 2, Line 9, of the worksheet).
Write the additional amount you want withheld
(deducted) from each pay.
Street address
I certify that I am entitled to the number of withholding allowances claimed on
this certificate.
Check the box if you are exempt from federal and Illinois
Your signature
Income Tax withholding and sign and date the certificate.
Employer: Keep this certificate with your records. If you have referred the employee’s federal
certificate to the IRS and the IRS has notified you to disregard it, you may also be required to
This form is authorized under the Illinois Income Tax Act. Disclosure
disregard this certificate. Even if you are not required to refer the employee’s federal certificate to
the IRS, you still may be required to refer this certificate to the Illinois Department of Revenue for
of this information is required. Failure to provide information may
inspection. See Illinois Income Tax Regulations 86 Ill. Adm. Code 100.7110.
IL-W-4 (R-12/12)
result in this form not being processed and may result in a penalty.


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