Classroom Coordinator Sample Letters Template Page 5


Dear Parents,
We are planning the Winter Celebration for our class! The party is planned for
{Date/Time}. During the celebration we will have special snacks and students will
participate in some activities.
We would appreciate your help with any of the following items:
~We are planning on giving {Teacher’s Name} a gift from the class. If you would
like to participate please send in a donation of up to $10 in an envelope marked
“Classroom Coordinator” by {Date}. All contributions are strictly voluntary and no
child will be left out for not participating.
~We are not planning on doing a class gift. If you would like to recognize
{Teacher’s Name} individually, please feel free to do so.
Thank you in advance for your contributions.
{Classroom Coordinator}
{Classroom Coordinator}
{Contact Information}
{Contact Information}
Level Creek Elementary
{Teacher’s Name/Grade}


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