Form Pa-136 - Municipality'S Form Of Objection To Manufacturing Real Estate Assessment Page 3


The statutory standard in valuing property for assessment purposes is " the full value which could ordinarily be obtained
therefor at private sale. In determining the value, the assessor shall consider recent arm's-length sales of the property to be
assessed if according to professionally acceptable appraisal practices those sales conform to recent arm's-length sales of the
reasonably comparable property; recent arm's-length sales of reasonably comparable property; and all factors that, according
to professionally acceptable appraisal practices, affect the value of the property to be assessed." (Sec. 70.32 (1) Wis. Stats.)
cost new (RCN) of your building and subtracting for
the physical, functional and economic obsolescenses
If there has been a recent sale, please provide us
the property suffers. This is one of the methods the
with the sale price, the names and relationships
Department of Revenue (DOR) uses and during our
between the grantor and grantee, the date of the
field audit we do review the physical problems the
sale, the type of market exposure, the length of time
building suffers, the problems with plant layout, bay
on the market, any personal property or goodwill
sizes, ceiling heights, and problems with the
included in the sale price, the type of transfer
neighborhood, transportation access, etc.
(purchase, merger, stock transfer, etc.), the terms of
the financing and the basis for the value (book value,
independent appraisal, etc.).
You should also
There are some types of properties where any
provide us with a list of changes (and their cost)
analysis of the potential income will produce a good
made to the property between the sale date and the
indicator of market value.
One of the problems
January 1 assessment date.
typically encountered is the issue of long-term leases
which produce a contract rent no longer favorable in
the current market place. This, in effect, has split the
The courts have stated that, in absence of a sale of
market value of the property between the lessor (the
the subject property, sales of reasonably comparable
market value of the contract rent) and the lessee (the
properties must be considered. Types of information
value resulting from having a low rent guaranteed).
you might provide would include the names of grantor
The courts have determined that we should be
and grantee, location of the property, date of sale,
looking at the market rent of a property, not
sale price (of the real property only), any special
necessarily the contract rent, when setting a market
circumstances (financing, compulsion to buy or sell
value for equitable assessment.
the property), the total area of land and of the
building, type of use (warehousing, office, light or
The information you should submit would include
heavy manufacturing), the intended use or changing
your actual rents, vacancy ratios, expenses and your
use of the property, the type of construction, age and
estimate of the capitalization rate which converts the
annual net rent to an estimate of market value. You
condition, ceiling heights, number of stories and bay
should review what current market rents are for
properties similar to yours, what are market vacancy
It is essential that the properties used as reasonably
ratios and average expenses.
To estimate the
comparable be as similar as possible to the subject
capitalization rate you should list properties that have
You should consider the differences
sold which were rented, thereby developing the rate
between these comparables and your property and
from market data. As with reasonably comparable
give us your estimate of market value considering
sales, you should take into account similarities and
those differences. Case law states that comparability
differences between your properties and those used
is measured in the adjustment process. Specific and
as comparables.
detailed adjustments for differences must be shown
in order to substantiate comparability.
Providing an independent appraisal is beneficial. It is
important that you consider the purpose of that
In addition to considering the sales of like property,
you should consider the original cost (adjusted for
condemnation, potential sale, etc.) and when the date
inflation and depreciation). This would be a good
of the appraisal was. One-page estimates of value
indicator of value if the building has recently been
without any supporting information would not be
built. You should provide us with your actual costs
given very much weight in our review.
and some indication whether you contracted out the
work, built part yourself or acted as general
Any other aspects of the property, or changes to the
property we may not have been aware of should be
pointed out at this stage as well
Another alternative would be to use a current cost
service and estimate the reproduction/replacement
PA-136 (R. 05-11)
Page 3
Wisconsin Department of Revenue


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