Form 25-111 - Certified Copy Of A Resolution Of A Texas Certified Capital Company

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Name of Proposed Certified Capital Company (“CAPCO”)
CERTIFIED COPY OF A RESOLUTION duly passed by the _________________________________________
Board of Directors, Members, Partners, or Trustees
of the ____________________________________________________ , at a meeting held on the _________ day of
Name of CAPCO
________________ , 20 ___ , a quorum being present:
RESOLVED, THAT the ____________________________________________ , (the “Applicant”), having applied
for certification as a Texas Certified Capital Company (“CAPCO”), HEREBY CERTIFIES that all information contained,
annexed or referred to in this application and related documents are true, complete and correct, including the listing of
all principals and/or managers of Applicant and any affiliates involved in its management; that Applicant understands
that any false, inaccurate or misleading information provided in the application and related documents will be grounds
for rejection of the application and denial of further consideration; AND HEREBY AGREES AND ACKNOWLEDGES
as follows:
THAT, in the event its application for certification is granted, its headquarters and primary operations shall be and
remain located in Texas; it shall maintain as its primary business activity the investment of cash in qualified Texas
businesses; no certified investor or persons affiliated with a certified investor shall control the direction of investments
of Applicant; any and all offering material involving the sale of the securities of Applicant shall include the statement
required by Chapter 4, Subchapter B, Article 4.55, of the Texas Insurance Code; the Comptroller of Public Accounts
may revoke the certification of a CAPCO if any material representation to the Comptroller in connection with the
application process proves to have been falsely made or if the application materially violates any requirement established
by the Comptroller of Public Accounts pursuant to rule 34 TAC §3.833; it will remove any director, officer or other
person involved in the management of Applicant who is found by the Comptroller of Public Accounts to be untrustworthy;
and it will immediately notify the Comptroller of Public Accounts in writing (i) if Applicant is unable to continue as a
viable going concern; (ii) if it is subject to litigation that may affect its viability; (iii) if there are any changes in its key or
active management personnel, especially those who manage or direct investments; or (iv) if any changes are made to
its plan of operations.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above is a true and correct copy of the resolution of the _____________________
Board of Directors, Members, Partners, or
____________________ of _________________________________________ adopted on the ________ day of
Name of CAPCO
_________________ , 20 ___ .
Print Name and Title
Subscribed and sworn to before me this _____ day of _______________ , 20 _____ .
(Notary Seal)
Signature of Notary Public
My commission expires __________________________ .
* See the Application for Certification Instructions regarding adoption and certification of the resolution.


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