Form 765-Gp - Kentucky General Partnership Income Return - 2012 Page 8


Line 41—Enter the New Markets Program Tax Credit as provided
Line 20—Enter the Qualified Research Facility Tax Credit as
by KRS 141.434 and attach Kentucky Form 8874(K)-A (Form
provided by KRS 141.395 and attach Kentucky Schedule QR
(Form 41A720QR).
Line 42—Enter the refundable Certified Rehabilitation Tax Credit
Line 21—Enter the GED Incentive Tax Credit as provided by
as provided by KRS 141.382 and attach the Kentucky Heritage
KRS 151B.127 and attach GED–Incentive Program Final Report
Council certification(s) or Kentucky Schedule(s) K–1 (Form
(Form DAEL–31) for each employee that completed a learning
contract during the year.
Line 43—Enter the refundable Film Industry Tax Credit as
Line 22—Enter the Voluntary Environmental Remediation
provided by KRS 141.383 and attach the Kentucky Film Office
Tax Credit as provided by KRS 141.418 and attach Kentucky
certification(s) or Kentucky Schedule(s) K–1 (Form 765–GP).
Schedule VERB (Form 41A720VERB).
Line 44(a)—Enter the information provided on federal Schedule
Line 23—Enter the Biodiesel Tax Credit as provided by
K, Form 1065, Line 13c(1).
KRS 141.424 and at tach Kentuck y Schedule BIO (Form
Line 44(b)—Enter the amount reported on federal Schedule K,
Form 1065, Line 13c(2).
Line 24—Enter the Environmental Stewardship Tax Credit as
Line 45—Enter the total amount of interest income of the
provided by KRS 141.430 and attach Kentucky Schedule KESA
partnership from U.S. government bonds and securities and
(Form 41A720KESA).
obligations of Kentucky and its political subdivisions.
Line 25—Enter the Clean Coal Incentive Tax Credit as provided
Line 46—Enter the total amount of any other type of income of
by KRS 141.428 and attach Kentucky Schedule CCI (Form
the partnership on which the partner is exempt from Kentucky
income tax.
Line 26—Enter the Ethanol Tax Credit as provided by
Line 47—Enter the total amount of nondeductible expenses paid
KRS 141.4242 and attach Kentucky Schedule ETH (Form
or incurred by the general partnership including, but not limited
to, state taxes measured by gross/net income, expenses related
to tax–exempt income, etc. Do not include a deduction reported
Line 27—Enter the Cellulosic Ethanol Tax Credit as provided
elsewhere on Schedule K, Form 765–GP, capital expenditures
by KRS 141.4244 and attach Kentucky Schedule CELL (Form
or items the deductions for which are deferred to a later year.
Line 48—Enter the amount reported on federal Schedule K,
Line 28—Enter the Energy Efficiency Products Tax Credit from
Form 1065, Line 19a and 19b.
Form 5695–K, Line 6 and attach Form 5695–K.
Line 49—Attach schedules to report the general partnership’s
Line 29—Enter the Energy Efficiency Products Tax Credit from
total income, expenses and other information applicable to
Form 5695–K, Line 12 and attach Form 5695–K.
items not included on Lines 1 through 48 including, but not
limited to, any recapture of Section 179 deduction, gross income
Line 30—Enter the Energy Efficiency Products Tax Credit from
and other information relating to oil and gas well properties
Form 5695–K, Line 18 and attach Form 5695–K.
enabling the general partnership to figure the allowable
depletion deduction, and any other information the partners
Line 31—Enter the Energy Efficiency Products Tax Credit from
need to prepare their Kentucky income tax returns. See federal
Form 5695–K, Line 36 and attach Form 5695–K.
instructions for Schedule K, Form 1065, Line 13d.
Line 32—Enter the Energy Efficiency Products Tax Credit from
Domestic Production Activities Deduction (DPAD)—A pass–
Form 5695–K, Line 36 and attach Form 5695–K.
through entity does not complete Form 8903–K, but attaches
information to each partner’s, member’s or shareholder’s
Line 33—Enter the Energy Efficiency Products Tax Credit from
Kentucky Schedule K–1 that will be needed to compute
Form 5695–K, Line 51 and attach Form 5695–K.
their DPAD. A pass–through entity shall attach the following
information to each Kentucky Schedule K–1 to be used by the
Line 34—Enter the Energy Efficiency Products Tax Credit from
partner, member or shareholder to compute their DPAD for
Form 5695–K, Line 51 and attach Form 5695–K.
Kentucky income tax purposes:
Line 35—Enter the Energy Efficiency Products Tax Credit from
If the par tner, member or shareholder is an individual
Form 5695–K, Line 57 and attach Form 5695–K.
(includes estates and trusts), attach the following: (i) Domestic
Production Gross Receipts (DPGR); (ii) Kentucky Domestic
Line 36—Enter the Energy Efficiency Products Tax Credit from
Production Gross Receipts (KDPGR); and (iii) Kentucky W–2
Form 5695–K, Line 63 and attach Form 5695–K.
wages allocable to DPGR.
Line 37—Enter the ENERGY STAR Home or ENERGY STAR
If the partner or member is a corporation or pass–through
Manufactured Home Tax Credit as provided by KRS 141.437
entity, and the partnership filing Form 765 or Form 765–GP
and attach Kentucky Form 8908–K (Form 41A720–S11).
was eligible and chose to figure Qualified Production Activities
Income (QPAI) at the entity level, attach the following (i) QPAI,
Line 38—Enter the Railroad Maintenance and Improvement
adjusted to reflect differences in Kentucky and federal income
Tax Credit as provided by KRS 141.385 and attach Kentucky
tax laws; and (ii) Kentucky W–2 wages allocable to DPGR.
Schedule RR–I (Form 41A720RR–I).
If the partner or member is a corporation or pass–through
Line 39—Enter the Railroad Expansion Tax Credit as provided
entity, and the partnership filing Form 765 or Form 765–GP
by KRS 141.386 and attach Kentucky Schedule RR–E (Form
was not eligible or chose not to figure QPAI at the entity level,
attach the following (i) DPGR (ii) Cost of goods sold allocable
to DPGR, adjusted to reflect differences in Kentucky and federal
Line 40—Enter the ENDOW Kentucky Tax Credit as provided by
income tax laws; (iii) Expenses allocable to DPGR, adjusted to
KRS 141.438 and attach a copy of Kentucky Schedule ENDOW
reflect differences in Kentucky and federal income tax laws;
(Form 41A720-S86).
and (iv) Kentucky W–2 wages allocable to DPGR.


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