Form 765-Gp - Kentucky General Partnership Income Return - 2012 Page 7


SECTION I—Income (Loss) and Deductions
Line 8—Enter total contributions paid by the general partnership
during its taxable year and attach a schedule showing separately
A general partnership filing Form 765–GP must use Form 765-
the contributions subject to the 50 percent, 30 percent and 20
GP(K), “Kentucky Schedule K for General Partnerships with
percent limitations. These percentage limitations must be applied
Economic Development Project(s),” if the partnership has one or
to the Kentucky amounts rather than the federal amounts.
more projects under the Kentucky Rural Economic Development
Act (KREDA), Kentucky Industrial Development Act (KIDA),
Also, enter amount of deduction allowable from Schedule
Kentucky Economic Opportunity Zone Act (KEOZ), Kentucky Jobs
HH for the value of leasehold interest of property donated for
Retention Agreement (KJRA), Kentucky Industrial Revitalization
living quarters for a homeless family. The ordinary charitable
Act (KIRA), Kentucky Jobs Development Act (KJDA), Kentucky
contribution deduction must be reduced by any amount
Business Investment Program (KBI), Kentucky Reinvestment Act
attributable to property on which this deduction is taken.
(KRA) and Incentives for Energy Independence Act (IEIA).
Line 9—See instructions on page 3 of the 2012 Form 765–GP
Line 1—Enter Kentucky ordinary income (loss) from trade or
instructions regarding depreciation and Section 179 deduction
business activities reported on Form 765–GP, Ordinary Income
differences, and if applicable, include the amount from Line
(Loss) Computation, page 1, Line 11.
12 of the Kentucky Form 4562. Kentucky Form 4562 must be
attached. Otherwise, enter Section 179 deduction from federal
Line 2—Enter net income (loss) from rental real estate activities
Form 4562.
reported on federal Schedule K, Form 1065, adjusted to reflect
any differences in Kentucky and federal income tax laws.
Line 10—Enter the expenses related to portfolio income
reported on federal Schedule K, Form 1065, adjusted to exclude
Line 3(a)—Enter the gross income from other rental activities
expenses related to tax–exempt interest income and other
reported on federal Schedule K, Form 1065.
exempt income.
Line 3(b)—Enter the expenses from other rental activities
Line 11—Enter any other deductions of the general partnership
not included on Lines 8, 9 and 10. See federal instructions for
reported on federal Schedule K, Form 1065, adjusted to reflect
any differences in Kentucky and federal income tax laws.
Schedule K, Form 1065.
Line 3(c)—Enter the difference of Line 3(a) and Line 3(b).
Line 12(a)—Enter the general partnership’s deductible interest
expense allocable to debt on property held for investment
Line 4(a)—Enter interest income from federal Schedule K, Form
purposes. Property held for investment purposes includes
1065, adjusted to exclude tax–exempt U.S. government interest,
property that produces investment income (interest, dividends,
if any, and to include interest income from obligations of states
annuities, royalties, etc.). The total amount entered should equal
other than Kentucky and their political subdivisions.
the amount of interest expense reported on federal Schedule K,
Form 1065, adjusted to exclude any interest expense on debts
Lines 4(b) and 4(c)—Enter the amount of dividend and royalty
incurred to purchase or carry investment property producing, or
income reported on federal Schedule K, Form 1065.
held for the production of, U.S. government interest income.
Line 4(d)—See instructions on page 3 of the 2012 Form 765–GP
Lines 12(b)(1) and (b)(2)—Enter only the investment income
instructions regarding differences in gain or loss from disposition
included on Lines 4(a), 4(b), 4(c) and 4(f), Schedule K, Form
of assets, and if applicable, enter the amount from Line 7 of the
765–GP, and only the investment expenses related thereto
included on Line 10, Schedule K, Form 765–GP. See federal
Kentucky Schedule D that is portfolio income. Report any gain
or loss that is not portfolio income on Line 7, Schedule K, Form
instructions for Schedule K, Form 1065.
765-GP. Kentucky Schedule D must be attached to Form 765-GP.
Otherwise, enter the amount from Line 7 of the federal Schedule
Line 13 – Enter the Kentucky Small Business Investment Credit
D (Form 1065) that is portfolio income.
Program (KSBIC) tax credit as provided by KRS 141.384 and
attach a copy of the Kentucky Economic Development Finance
Line 4(e)—See instructions on page 3 of the 2012 Form 765–GP
Authority notification.
instructions regarding differences in gain or loss from disposition
of assets, and if applicable, enter the amount from Line 15 of
Line 14—Enter the Skills Training Investment Credit Act (STICA)
tax credit as provided by KRS 141.405 and attach the Bluegrass
the Kentucky Schedule D that is portfolio income. Report any
gain or loss that is not portfolio income on Line 7, Schedule K,
State Skills Corporation certification(s).
Form 765–GP. Kentucky Schedule D must be attached to Form
765–GP. Otherwise, enter the amount from Line 15 of the federal
Line 15—Enter the Certified Rehabilitation Tax Credit as
Schedule D (Form 1065) that is portfolio income.
provided by KRS 171.397 and attach the Kentucky Heritage
Council certification(s).
Line 4(f)—Enter any other portfolio income not reported on Lines
4(a) through 4(e), Schedule K, Form 765–GP.
Line 16—Enter the Kentucky Unemployment Tax Credit as
provided by KRS 141.065 and attach Kentucky Schedule UTC
Line 5—Enter guaranteed payments to partners from federal
(Form 42A740–UTC).
Schedule K, Form 1065.
Line 17—Enter the Recycling and Composting Equipment
Line 6—See instructions on page 3 of the 2012 Form 765–GP
Tax Credit as provided by KRS 141.390 and attach Kentucky
instructions regarding differences in gain or loss from
Schedule RC (Form 41A720RC).
disposition of assets. If applicable, enter the amount from Line
7 of the Kentucky Form 4797, and Kentucky Form 4797 must
Line 18—Enter the Kentucky Investment Fund Tax Credit
be attached to Form 765–GP. Otherwise, enter net gain (loss)
as provided by KRS 154.20–258 and attach a copy of the
under Section 1231 from federal Form 4797. Do not include net
notification from Kentucky Economic Development Finance
gains (losses) from involuntary conversions due to casualties
Authority (KEDFA) reflecting the amount of credit granted and
or thefts on this line. Instead, report them on Line 7.
the year in which the credit may first be claimed.
Line 7—Enter all other items of income (loss) of the general
Line 19—Enter the Coal Incentive Tax Credit for electric power
partnership not included on Lines 1 through 6. See federal
generation as provided by KRS 141.0405 and attach Kentucky
instructions for Schedule K, Form 1065.
Schedule CI (Form 41A720–CI).


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