Form 765-Gp - Kentucky General Partnership Income Return - 2012 Page 6


Item B—Enter number of partners (attach K–1s).
Reporting Depreciation Differences—Important: Use Lines 3
and 8 only if the partnership has elected for federal income tax
Item C—North American Industrial Classification System
purposes to take the special depreciation allowance. Attach
(NAICS)—Enter your six–digit NAICS code. To view a complete
a copy of the federal Form 4562 filed for federal income tax
listing of NAICS codes, visit the United States Census Bureau
purposes to verify that no adjustments are required.
Web site at
Line 2 – Enter state taxes measured in whole or in part by
Item D—Telephone Number—Enter the business telephone
gross or net income. “State” means any state of the United
number of the general partner signing this return.
States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto
Rico, any territory or possession of the United States or any
Item E—Enter the general partnership’s federal identification
foreign country or political subdivision thereof. Attach a
number. See federal Publication 583 if the general partnership
schedule reflecting the total taxes deducted on Form 1065.
has not obtained this number.
KRS 141.010(11)(d)
Item F—Enter the six–digit Kentucky withholding account
Line 3—See instructions on page 3 regarding depreciation and
Section 179 deduction differences, and if applicable, include
the depreciation amount from Line 16a of Form 1065 (do not
Item G—Enter the six–digit Kentucky sales and use tax permit
include the Section 179 deduction). If federal Form 4562 is
required to be filed for federal income tax purposes, a copy
must be attached.
Item H—Check the applicable boxes:
Line 4—Enter related party cost additions from Schedule RPC,
Part III, Line 1.
(a) Publicly Traded Partnership—This partnership is a publicly
traded partnership as provided by KRS 141.0401(6)(r).
Line 5— Enter the amount from Schedule O–PTE, Part I, Line 6.
(b) Short-period Return—This return is a short-period return.
Line 7—Enter the amount of the work opportunity credit reflected
Attach an explanation for the short-period return.
on federal Form 5884. For Kentucky purposes, the partnership
may deduct the total amount of salaries and wages paid or
(c) Initial Return—This return is the general partnership’s initial
incurred for the taxable year. This adjustment does not apply
for other federal tax credits.
(d) Final Return—This is the general partnership’s final return.
Line 8—Enter Kentucky depreciation (do not include Section 179
The partnership has dissolved. Submit an explanation.
deduction). See instructions on page 3 regarding depreciation
and Section 179 deduction differences, and if applicable,
(e) Amended Return—Submit an explanation for the amended
Kentucky converted Form 4562 must be attached.
Line 9—Enter the amount from Schedule O–PTE, Part II, Line
Change of name—The general partnership has changed its
(g) Change of address—The general partnership has changed
its address.
A general partnership doing business within and without
Kentucky shall apportion its net income by a fraction, the
(h) Qualified Investment Pass–through Entity—The general
numerator of which is the property factor, representing 25
partnership is a qualified investment pass–through entity.
percent of the fraction, plus the payroll factor, representing 25
percent of the fraction, plus the sales factor, representing 50
percent of the fraction, with each factor determined in the same
deductions of a Kentucky general partnership are determined
manner as provided in KRS 141.120(8), and the denominator
under the Internal Revenue Code in effect December 31, 2006,
of which is four reduced by the number of factors, if any,
except for differences provided in KRS 141.010 and 141.206.
having no denominator, provided that if the sales factor has
Differences include but are not limited to:
no denominator, then the denominator shall be reduced by
two. KRS 141.206(12)
(1) E x clud e i nt er est in c om e fr o m U .S . g o v e r n m e nt
Gross receipts, for determining the sales factor, should include
in the numerator and denominator interest, dividends, royalties
(2) Include interest income from obligations of other states and
and gross receipts of any gains or losses on the disposition of
their political subdivisions.
property, except as provided by KRS 141.121.
(3) Exclude MACRS bonus depreciation or Section 179 expense
If the general partnership is a partner in another pass–through
deduction in excess of $25,000.
entity then the general partnership shall be deemed to own the
pro rata share of the property owned or leased by the pass–
For additional instructions for reporting income and deductions,
through entity, and shall also include its pro rata share of the
see federal instructions, Form 1065.
pass–through entity’s payroll and sales. The phrase “a partner
in another pass–through entity” shall extend to each level of
multiple–tiered pass–through entities. KRS 141.206(11)
Line 1—The Kentucky Form 765–GP begins with ordinary
income (loss) reported on federal Form 1065, Line 22. Report
adjustments to federal ordinary income (loss) on Form 765–GP,
General Instructions—Complete all applicable lines entering
Lines 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9. See instructions for Lines 3, 5, 8 and
the total pro rata share amount for each item listed. Federal
9 for reporting differences in depreciation and basis for assets
instructions for Form 1065 and federal Schedule K provide
purchased after September 10, 2001. Attach Schedule O–PTE
additional information which will assist the general partnership
to report amounts on Lines 5 and 9.
in completing Schedule K, Form 765–GP.


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