Form 765-Gp - Kentucky General Partnership Income Return - 2012 Page 4


Tax Treatment of Kentucky General Partnerships and Partners
Nonresident Withholding (Form 740NP–WH)
General partnerships are exempt by law from Kentucky income
tax. However, general partners of general partnerships doing
A partner or member that is an S corporation or partnership is
business in Kentucky must report their share of income for
not subject to withholding. S corporations and partnerships are
Kentucky income tax purposes. This applies to individuals,
pass-through entities as provided by KRS 141.010(26).
trusts, estates and corporations. Individuals who are Kentucky
residents are required to file Form 740 and report their share of
KRS 141.206(5) provides that for taxable years beginning on
general partnership income earned within or without Kentucky.
or after January 1, 2007, every pass–through entity required
Nonresidents who are not included by the general partnership
to file a return under KRS 141.206(2), except publicly traded
in a composite return filing or nonresident withholding shall file
partnerships as defined in KRS 141.0401(6)(r), shall withhold
Form 740–NP and report their distributive share of income from
Kentucky income tax on the distributive share, whether
general partnerships doing business in Kentucky.
distributed or undistributed, of each nonresident individual
(includes an estate or trust partner, member or shareholder)
Resident partners of a general partnership shall report and
partner, member or shareholder, or each C–corporation partner
pay tax on the distributive share of net income, gain, loss, or
or member that is doing business in Kentucky only through
deduction. Nonresident partners of a partnership shall report
its ownership interest in a pass–through entity. Withholding
and pay tax on the distributive share of net income, gain, loss, or
shall be at the maximum rate as provided in KRS 141.020 or
deduction multiplied by the apportionment fraction as provided
KRS 141.040.
by KRS 141.206(12). KRS 141.206(8) and (9)
Withholding shall not be required if: (a) the partner, member
or shareholder is exempt from withholding as provided by
If the general partnership is a partner or member of a limited
KRS 141.206(7)(a); (b) the partner or member is exempt from
liability pass–through entity doing business in Kentucky, the
Kentucky income tax as provided by KRS 141.040(1); (c) the
general partners shall be entitled to an LLET credit against taxes
pass-through entity is a qualified investment partnership as
imposed by KRS 141.020 or KRS 141.040 and KRS 141.0401. The
provided by KRS 141.206(15), and the partner, member or
LLET credit shall be the general partners’ proportionate share
shareholder is an individual; or (d) the partner or member is a
of the LLET from the limited liability pass–through entity for the
pass-through entity.
current year after the subtraction of any credits identified in KRS
141.0205 and reduced by the minimum tax of $175. The LLET
For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2012, a pass-
credit allowed shall be applied to the income tax assessed on
through entity required to withhold Kentucky income tax as
the income from the limited liability pass–through entity. Any
provided by KRS 141.206(5) shall make estimated tax payments if
remaining LLET credit from the limited liability pass–through
required by KRS 141.206(6). If the pass-through entity is required
entity shall be disallowed. KRS 141.0401(3)
to make estimated tax payments for taxable years beginning
on or after January 1, 2012, use Form 740NP-WH-ES (Kentucky
Estimated Tax Vouchers).
The reporting of a nonresident individual’s, estate’s or trust’s
Internal Revenue Code Reference Date—Effective for taxable
net distributive share income and withholding on Form 740NP–
years beginning after December 31, 2006, Kentucky Revised
WH at the maximum rate of six (6) percent shall satisfy the
Statute (KRS) 141.010(3) was amended to define “Internal
filing requirements of KRS 141.180 for a nonresident individual,
Revenue Code” (IRC) for Kentucky income tax purposes to
estate or trust partner, member or shareholder whose only
mean the IRC in effect on December 31, 2006, exclusive of
Kentucky source income is net distributive share income.
any amendments made subsequent to that date, other than
The nonresident individual estate or trust partner, member or
amendments that extend provisions in effect on December
shareholder may file a Kentucky Individual Income Tax Return
31, 2006, that would otherwise terminate and as modified
Nonresident or Part–Year Resident (Form 740–NP) or a Kentucky
by KRS 141.0101, except that for property placed in service
Fiduciary Income Tax Return (Form 741) to take advantage of
after September 10, 2001, only the depreciation and expense
the graduated tax rates, credits and deductions.
deductions allowed under Sections 168 and 179 of the Internal
Revenue Code in effect on December 31, 2001, exclusive of any
A pass–through entity shall complete Form 740NP–WH and
amendments made subsequent to that date. KRS 141.010(3)
Form PTE–WH for each nonresident individual, estate or trust
partner, member or shareholder and each corporate partner
Who Must File—A Kentucky General Partnership Income
or member and mail Form 740NP–WH and Copy A of Form
Return, Form 765 – GP, must be filed by ever y general
PTE–WH to the Kentucky Department of Revenue with payment
partnership: (a) being organized under the laws of this state;
of any tax due by the 15
day of the fourth month following
(b) having a commercial domicile in this state; (c) owning or
the close of the pass–through entity’s taxable year. Also, Copy
leasing property in this state; (d) having one or more individuals
B and C of Form PTE–WH shall be provided to the partners,
performing services in this state; (e) maintaining an interest
members or shareholders. Form 740NP–WH and Form PTE–WH
in a pass–through entity doing business in this state; (f)
are available at
deriving income from or attributable to sources within this
state, including deriving income directly or indirectly from a
Composite Return—Nonresidents Only
trust doing business in this state, or deriving income directly
or indirectly from a single member limited liability company
Do not include a nonresident individual (includes an estate
that is doing business in this state and is disregarded as an
or trust partner, member or shareholder) partner, member or
entity separate from its single member for federal income tax
shareholder in a composite return if the partner’s, member’s
purposes; or (g) directing activities at Kentucky customers for
or shareholder’s distributive share income was subject to
the purpose of selling them goods or services. KRS 141.010(25)
withholding and reported on Form 740NP–WH and PTE–WH.
and KRS 141.206(2)
The composite return applies only to nonresident individual
(includes an estate or trust partner, member or shareholder)
General Partnerships—General partnerships doing business in
partners, members or shareholders: (i) whose distributive
Kentucky solely as a partner in a pass–through entity will file
share income was not subject to withholding as provided
Form 765–GP pursuant to the provisions of KRS 141.010, 141.120
by KRS 141.206(5); (ii) whose only source of income within
and 141.206. For apportionment information, see instructions
this state is distributive share income from one or more
on page 6.


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