Form 765-Gp - Kentucky General Partnership Income Return - 2012 Page 12


136.120 that serves a corporation that owns fossil energy
(ii) For a taxpayer’s residence or single–family residential rental
unit, 30% of the installed cost of an active solar space–heating
resources subject to tax under KRS 143.020 or 143A.020 or
biomass resources shall be entitled to a nonrefundable tax
system, passive solar space–heating system, combined active
solar space–heating and water–heating system, solar water–
credit against taxes imposed under KRS 141.040 and 141.0401
heating system, and wind turbine or wind machine, or $3 per
equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the expenditures paid or
watt of direct current of a solar photovoltaic system. The total
incurred by the corporation or railway company to expand or
credit is limited to $500.
upgrade railroad track, including roadbeds, bridges, and related
track structures, to accommodate the transport of fossil energy
(iii) For a multifamily residential rental unit or commercial
resources or biomass resources.
property, 30% of the installed cost of an active solar space–
heating system, passive solar space–heating system, combined
The credit amount approved for a calendar year for all
taxpayers under KRS 141.386 shall be limited to $1 million.
active solar space–heating and water–heating system, solar
water–heating system, and wind turbine or wind machine, or
If the total amount of approved credit exceeds $1 million,
$3 per watt of direct current of a solar photovoltaic system.
the department shall determine the amount of credit each
The total credit is limited to $1,000.
corporation and railroad company receives by multiplying $1
million by a fraction, the numerator of which is the amount
of approved credit for a corporation or railway company and
(iv) For commercial property, 30% of the installed cost of
an energy–efficient interior lighting system that meets the
the denominator of which is the total approved credit for all
corporations and railway companies.
maximum reduction in lighting power density requirements
for the federal energy–efficient commercial building deduction
Each corporation or railway company eligible for the credit
under 26 U.S.C. § 179D, as it existed on December 31, 2007. The
total credit is limited to $500.
provided under this section shall file a railroad expansion
tax credit claim on forms prescribed by the department by
(v) For commercial property, 30% of the installed cost of an
the fifteenth day of the first month following the close of the
energy–efficient heating, cooling, ventilation, or hot water
preceding calendar year. The department shall determine the
amount of the approved credit and issue a credit certificate
system that meets the requirements for the federal energy–
efficient commercial building deduction under 26 U.S.C. § 179D,
to the corporation or railway company by the fifteenth day of
the third month following the close of the calendar year. KRS
as it existed on December 31, 2007. The total credit is limited
to $500. KRS 141.436
ENERGY STAR Home or ENERGY STAR Manufactured Home
ENDOW Kentuc k y Tax Cre dit—A taxpayer making an
endowment gift to a permanent endowment fund of a qualified
Tax Credit—A nonrefundable tax credit against the tax imposed
under KRS 141.040, and KRS 141.0401 is allowed if a taxpayer
community foundation, or county-specific component fund,
builds a new ENERGY STAR home located in the Commonwealth
or affiliate community foundation, which has been certified
under KRS 147A.325, is entitled to a tax credit equal to twenty
for use as a principal place of residence, or sells a new ENERGY
STAR manufactured home to a buyer who uses that home as
percent (20%) of the endowment gift, not to exceed $10,000.
The nonrefundable tax credit is allowed against the taxes
a principal place of residence in the Commonwealth. The tax
credit shall equal: (a) $800 if the taxpayer builds an ENERGY
imposed by KRS 141.020 or 141.040 and KRS 141.0401 and if
not use in the year the tax credit is awarded may be carried
STAR home; or (b) $400 if the taxpayer sells an ENERGY STAR
manufactured home. The tax credit shall not apply if the tax
forward for a period not to exceed five years. The department
shall issue a credit certification (Schedule ENDOW) to a
credit has been previously taken by another taxpayer on the
same ENERGY STAR home or ENERGY STAR manufactured
taxpayer upon receiving proof that the endowment gift was
home, or the taxpayer has taken the energy efficiency products
made to the approved community foundation as provided by
tax credit. KRS 141.437
KRS 141.438(7). Schedule ENDOW must be attached to the
taxpayer’s tax return each year to claim the credit. A partner,
member or shareholder of a pass-through entity shall attach a
Railroad Maintenance and Improvement Tax Credit—For tax
years beginning on or after January 1, 2010, an owner of any
copy of Schedule K-1, Form 720S, 765 or 765-GP to the partner’s,
member’s or shareholder’s tax return each year to claim the
Class II railroad or Class III railroad located in Kentucky or
any person who transports property using the rail facilities
tax credit.
of a Class II railroad or Class III railroad located in Kentucky
or furnishes railroad-related property or services to a Class
New Markets Development Program Tax Credit—KRS 141.432
II railroad or Class III railroad located in Kentucky, but only
to 141.434 was created to encourage taxpayer investment in
with respect to miles of railroad track assigned to the person
qualified low-income communities. A taxpayer that makes
by a Class II railroad or Class III railroad, shall be entitled to a
a qualified equity investment as provided by KRS 141.432(7)
in a qualified community development entity as provided by
nonrefundable credit against taxes imposed by KRS 141.020 or
141.040 and KRS 141.0401 in an amount equal to fifty percent
KRS 141.432(6) shall be entitled to a nonrefundable tax credit
against the taxes imposed by KRS 141.020, 141.040, 141.0401,
(50%) of the qualified expenditures paid or incurred to maintain
or improve railroads located in Kentucky, including roadbeds,
136.320, 136.330, 136.340, 136.350, 137.370, 136.390 or 304.3-
270. The total amount of tax credits that may be awarded by
bridges, and related structures, that are owned or leased as of
January 1, 2008, by a Class II or Class III railroad.
the department shall be limited to $5 million. “Qualified low-
income community investment” means any capital or equity
The credit allowed shall not exceed the product of $3,500
investment in, or loan to, any qualified active low-income
multiplied by the sum of: (i) The number of miles of railroad
community business made after June 4, 2010. With respect to
any one qualified active low-income community business, the
track in Kentucky owned or leased by the eligible taxpayer as
of the close of the taxable year; and (ii) The number of miles of
maximum amount of qualified active low-income community
investments that may be made in the business, on a collective
railroad track in Kentucky assigned to the eligible taxpayer by
a Class II railroad or Class III railroad which owns or leases the
basis with all of its affiliates, with the proceeds of qualified
equity investments that have been certified under KRS 141.433
railroad track as of the close of the taxable year. KRS 141.385
shall be $10 million, whether made by one or several qualified
community development entities.
Railroad Expansion Tax Credit—For tax years beginning on or
after January 1, 2010: (a) a corporation that owns fossil energy
resources subject to tax under KRS 143.020 or 143A.020 or
The amount of the credit shall be equal to 39% of the purchase
price of the qualified equity investment made by the taxpayer.
biomass resources and transports these resources using rail
facilities; or (b) a railway company subject to tax under KRS
A taxpayer is allowed to claim zero percent (0%) for each of


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