Form 765-Gp - Kentucky General Partnership Income Return - 2012 Page 11


credit is made on Schedule CI, Application for Coal Incentive Tax
percent of the average hourly wage for the county in which the
Credit, and a copy of the credit certificate issued by the
project is to be undertaken. The maximum amount of negotiated
Kentucky Department of Revenue must be attached to the tax
inducement that can be claimed by a company for any single tax
return on which the credit is claimed. KRS 141.0405
year may be up to 25 percent of the authorized inducement. The
agreement shall expire on the earlier of the date the approved
Qualified Research Facility Tax Credit—A taxpayer is entitled
company has received inducements equal to the approved costs
to a credit against the taxes imposed by KRS 141.020, KRS
of its project, or 10 years from the activation date. For more
141.040 and KRS 141.0401 of 5 percent of the qualified costs of
information, contact the Cabinet for Economic Development,
construction, remodeling, expanding and equipping facilities
Department of Financial Incentives at (502) 564–4554.
in Kentucky for “qualified research.” Any unused credit may
be carried forward 10 years. Schedule QR, Qualified Research
KRS 141.430 was amended to provide that for tax years
Facility Tax Credit, must be attached to the tax return on which
beginning on or after June 4, 2010, the base tax year is reduced
this credit is claimed. Federal Form 6765, Credit for Increasing
by 50 percent. The base tax year is the combined income tax
Research Activities, must also be attached if applicable. See
and LLET for the first taxable year after December 31, 2005, that
instructions for Schedule QR for more information regarding
ends immediately prior to the activation date. If the base tax
this credit. KRS 141.395
year is for a taxable year beginning before January 1, 2007, the
LLET will not apply. KRS 141.430
GED Incentive Tax Credit—A taxpayer is entitled to a credit
Caution: An approved company under the Environmental
against the taxes imposed by KRS 141.020, KRS 141.040 and KRS
Stewardship Act shall not be entitled to the recycling credit
141.0401. The credit reflected on this line must equal the sum
provided under the provisions of KRS 141.390 for equipment
of the credits reflected on the attached GED–Incentive Program
used in the production of an environmental stewardship
Final Reports. This credit may be claimed only in the year during
which the learning contract was completed and unused portions
of the credit may not be carried forward or back. For information
Clean Coal Incentive Tax Credit—Effective for tax years ending
regarding the program, contact the Education and Workforce
on or after December 31, 2006, a nonrefundable, nontransferable
Development Cabinet, Kentucky Adult Education, Council on
credit against taxes imposed by KRS 136.120, KRS 141.020, KRS
Postsecondary Education. The GED–Incentive Program Final
141.040 or KRS 141.0401 shall be allowed for a clean coal facility.
Report (DAEL–31) for each employee that completed a learning
As provided by KRS 141.428, a clean coal facility means an
contract during the tax year must be attached to the tax return
electric generation facility beginning commercial operation on
claiming the credit. KRS 151B.127
or after January 1, 2005, at a cost greater than $150 million that
is located in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and is certified by
Voluntary Environmental Remediation Tax Credit—The
the Energy and Environment Cabinet as reducing emissions of
taxpayer must have an agreed order and be approved by the
pollutants released during generation of electricity through the
Energy and Environment Cabinet under the provisions of KRS
use of clean coal equipment and technologies. The amount of
224.01–518. Maximum tax credit allowed to be claimed per
the credit shall be $2 per ton of eligible coal purchased that is
taxable year is 25 percent of the approved credit. This credit
used to generate electric power at a certified clean coal facility,
may be claimed against the taxes imposed by KRS 141.020,
except that no credit shall be allowed if the eligible coal has been
KRS 141.040 and KRS 141.0401. For more information regarding
used to generate a credit under KRS 141.0405 for the taxpayer,
credit for voluntary environmental remediation property,
parent or subsidiary. KRS 141.428
contact the Energy and Environment Cabinet at (502) 564–3350.
Schedule VERB must be attached to the tax return claiming this
credit. KRS 141.418
Ethanol Tax Credit—Producers of ethanol are entitled to a tax
credit against the taxes imposed by KRS 141.020, KRS 141.040
Biodiesel Tax Credit—The 2007 Second Extraordinary Session
and KRS 141.0401. The taxpayer must file a claim for ethanol
amended KRS 141.422 to include renewable diesel to be subject
credit with the Department of Revenue by January 15 each
to the biodiesel tax credit. Producers and blenders of biodiesel
year for ethanol produced in the previous calendar year. The
and producers of renewable diesel are entitled to a tax credit
department shall issue a credit certification (Schedule ETH)
against the taxes imposed by KRS 141.020, KRS 141.040 and
to the taxpayer by April 15. The credit certification must be
KRS 141.0401. The taxpayer must file a claim for biodiesel
attached to the tax return claiming this credit. KRS 141.4242
credit with the Department of Revenue by January 15 each year
and 103 KAR 15:110
for biodiesel produced or blended and the renewable diesel
produced in the previous calendar year. The department shall
Cellulosic Ethanol Tax Credit —Producers of cellulosic ethanol
issue a credit certification (Schedule BIO) to the taxpayer by
are entitled to a tax credit against the taxes imposed by KRS
April 15. The credit certification must be attached to the tax
141.020, KRS 141.040 and KRS 141.0401. The taxpayer must
return claiming this credit. KRS 141.423 and 103 KAR 15:140
file a claim for ethanol credit with the Department of Revenue
by January 15 each year for cellulosic ethanol produced in the
Kentucky Environmental Stewardship Tax Credit—For tax
previous calendar year. The department shall issue a credit
years beginning on or after January 1, 2006, an approved
certification (Schedule CELL) to the taxpayer by April 15. The
company may be entitled to a credit against the taxes imposed
credit certification must be attached to the tax return claiming
by KRS 141.020, KRS 141.040 or KRS 141.0401 on the income
this credit. KRS 141.4244 and 103 KAR 15:120
and the LLET of the approved company generated by or
arising out of a project as determined under KRS 154.48–020.
Energy Efficiency Products Tax Credit—A nonrefundable tax
An “environmental stewardship product” means any new
credit against the tax imposed under KRS 141.020 or 141.040
manufactured product or substantially improved existing
and KRS 141.0401 is allowed as follows:
manufactured product that has a lesser or reduced adverse
effect on human health and the environment or provides for
improvement to human health and the environment when
(i) For a taxpayer’s residence or single-family or multifamily
compared with existing products or competing products that
residential rental unit, 30% of the installed cost of qualified
serve the same purpose. A company must have eligible costs
insulation, qualified energy-efficient windows and storm doors,
of at least $5 million and within six months after the activation
and qualified energy property that meets the performance,
date, the approved company compensates a minimum of 90
quality, and certification standards of and that would have been
percent of its full–time employees whose jobs were created or
eligible for the federal credit for residential property expenditures
retained with base hourly wages equal to either: (1) 75 percent
under 26 U.S.C. § 25C, as it existed on December 31, 2007. The
of the average hourly wage for the commonwealth; or (2) 75
total credit is limited to $500.


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