Form 765-Gp - Kentucky General Partnership Income Return - 2012 Page 10


Tax Credit Summary
Kentucky Small Business Investment Credit Program—KRS
amount of this credit claimed for the tax year may not exceed
25 percent of the tax liability and cannot exceed 10 percent of
141.384 provides a (Kentucky Small Business Investment
the credit approved in the first year of eligibility.
Credit Program (KSBIC)) nonrefundable tax credit against the
taxes imposed by KRS 141.020 or 141.040 and KRS 141.0401. A
small business shall not be eligible to apply for the credit and
For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2004, a
receive final approval for the credit until one year after the small
taxpayer which purchases recycling and /or composting
business: (a) creates and fills one or more eligible positions
equipment to be used exclusively in Kentucky for recycling or
composting post-consumer waste material that qualifies as a
over the base employment, and that position or positions are
created and filled for twelve months; and (b) invests $5,000 or
Major Recycling Project is entitled to a nonrefundable credit
more in qualifying equipment or technology. The maximum
against the taxes imposed by KRS 141.020, KRS 141.040 and
amount of credits that may be committed in each fiscal year
KRS 141.0401. The credit is an amount equal to 50 percent of the
by the Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority
installed cost of the recycling or composting equipment limited
to: 50 percent of the excess of the total of each tax liability
(KEDFA) shall be capped at $3 million. The maximum amount
of credit for each small business for each year shall not exceed
over the baseline tax liability of the taxpayer or $2,500,000. To
$25,000. To claim the KSBIC credit, a copy of the notification
qualify, the taxpayer must: (1) invest more than $10,000,000 in
received from KEDFA must be attached to the tax return. A
recycling or composting equipment to be used exclusively in
partner, member or shareholder of a pass-through entity shall
this state; (2) have more than 750 full-time employees with an
average hourly wage of more than 300 percent of the federal
attach a copy of Schedule K-1, Form 720S, 765 or 765-GP to the
minimum wage; and (3) have plant and equipment with a total
partner’s, member’s or shareholder’s tax return each year to
claim the tax credit. The tax credit not used during the year of
cost of more than $500,000,000. Application for this credit must
approval by KEDFA may be carried forward up to five years.
be made on Schedule RC, and a copy of the schedule reflecting
the amount of credit approved by the Department of Revenue
must be attached to the tax return on which the credit is claimed.
Skills Training Investment Tax Credit—To claim the STICA credit,
The credit is limited to a period of 10 years commencing with
a copy of the Bluegrass State Skills Corporation certification(s)
reflecting the amount of credit awarded must be attached. The
the approval of the recycling credit application.
credit shall be claimed on the income tax return filed for the
taxable year during which the final authorizing resolution is
A taxpayer is entitled to claim the recycling credits in KRS
141.390(2)(a) and (b), but cannot claim both for the same
adopted by the Bluegrass State Skills Corporation. If the amount
recycling and/or composting equipment. KRS 141.390
of the credit exceeds the income tax liability for the taxable year
during which the final authorizing resolution is adopted by the
Bluegrass State Skills Corporation, the excess may be carried
Kentucky Investment Fund Tax Credit—A taxpayer which makes
forward for three successive years. If the credit claimed is being
a cash contribution to an investment fund approved by KEDFA
carried forward from a prior year, attach a schedule reflecting
in accordance with KRS 154.20-250 to 154.20-284 is entitled
the computation of the amount of credit available to be carried
to a nonrefundable credit equal to 40 percent of the investor’s
forward in addition to the Bluegrass State Skills Corporation
proportional ownership share of all qualified investments made
certification(s). KRS 141.405
by the investment fund and verified by the authority. The credit
may be applied against the taxes imposed by KRS 141.020, KRS
Certified Rehabilitation Tax Credit—This credit is allowed only
141.040, KRS 141.0401, KRS 136.320, KRS 136.300, KRS 136.310,
if the taxpayer has been approved for the credit by the Kentucky
KRS 136.505 and KRS 304.3-270. A copy of the notification from
Heritage Council. Credit is allowed against the taxes imposed
KEDFA reflecting the amount of credit granted and the year in
by KRS 141.020, KRS 141.040, KRS 141.0401 and KRS 136.505 for
which the credit may first be claimed must be attached to the
qualified rehabilitation expenses on certified historic structures.
tax return claiming this credit.
Information regarding this credit is available at KRS 171.397
The tax credit amount that may be claimed by an investor in
any tax year shall not exceed 50 percent of the initial aggregate
Unemployment Tax Credit—If a taxpayer has hired a Kentucky
credit amount approved by the authority for the investment
resident classified as unemployed for at least 60 days and
fund which is proportionally available to the investor. Example:
the resident remains in the employ of the taxpayer for 180
An investor with a 10 percent investment in a fund which has
consecutive days during the tax year (a qualified person),
been approved for a total credit to all investors of $400,000 is
the taxpayer may be entitled to the unemployment tax credit
limited to $20,000 maximum credit in any given year ($400,000
against the taxes imposed by KRS 141.020, KRS 141.040 and KRS
x 10% x 50%).
141.0401. For each qualified person, a one-time nonrefundable
credit of $100 may be claimed. The period of unemployment
If the amount of credit that may be claimed in any tax year
must be certified by the Education and Workforce Development
exceeds the tax liabilities, the excess credit may be carried
Cabinet, Department of Workforce Investment, Office of
forward, but the carryforward of any excess tax credit shall
Employment and Training, Frankfort, KY, and a copy of
not increase the limitation that may be claimed in any tax year.
the certification must be maintained by the taxpayer. For
Any credit not used in 15 years, including the year in which the
certification questions, call (502) 564-7456. Schedule UTC must
credit may first be claimed, shall be lost.
be attached to the return claiming this credit. KRS 141.065
Information regarding the approval process for these credits
Recycling/Composting Tax Credit—A taxpayer, which purchases
may be obtained from the Cabinet for Economic Development,
recycling and/or composting equipment to be used exclusively
Department of Financial Incentives at (502) 564-4554. KRS
in Kentucky for recycling or composting post-consumer waste
materials, may be entitled to a nonrefundable credit against
the taxes imposed by KRS 141.020, KRS 141.040 and KRS
Coal Incentive Tax Credit—Effective for tax returns filed after
141.0401 in an amount equal to 50 percent of the installed cost
July 15, 2001, an electric power company or a company that
of the equipment. Application for this credit must be made on
owns and operates a coal-fired electric generating plant may
Schedule RC, and a copy of the schedule reflecting the amount
be entitled to a coal incentive tax credit first against the taxes
of credit approved by the Department of Revenue must be
imposed by KRS 141.020, KRS 141.040 and KRS 141.0401 and
attached to the tax return on which the credit is claimed. The
then against tax imposed by KRS 136.120. Application for this


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