Tdd Surcharge For Assistance To Persons With Impaired Speech Or Hearing Report Form - Public Utilities Commission Of Nevada Page 2

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Complete Tdd Surcharge For Assistance To Persons With Impaired Speech Or Hearing Report Form - Public Utilities Commission Of Nevada with your personal data - all interactive fields are highlighted in places where you should type, access drop-down lists or select multiple-choice options.

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NRS 353.1467 requires “all payments of money owed to a Nevada state agency for taxes, interest,
penalties or any other obligations that, in the aggregate, amount to $10,000 or more must be made
by any method of electronic transfer of money allowed by the state agency.” Failure to transfer
funds in the amount of $10,000 or more electronically is a violation of NRS 353.1467.
Electronic payments associated with the TDD surcharge can be submitted to the Commission by
accessing the Commission’s website at: Payments can
be made by selecting the TDD Surcharge for Assistance to Persons with Impaired Speech or
Hearing link. For electronic payment technical assistance, please contact Rupert White at 775-684-
If your required surcharge remittance is less than $10,000, you may pay electronically or by check;
if by check, please send the completed and signed TDD Report Form and remittance to:
Public Utilities Commission of Nevada
Attn: Fiscal Services
1150 E. William Street
Carson City NV 89701-3109
The latest version of the TDD Report Form is available on the Commission’s website at:
Should you have additional questions regarding these requirements, please contact Ann Scott at
Stephanie Mullen
Executive Director


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