Request To Look Again At My Council Tax Support And Housing Benefit Decision Page 2

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What you want us to do about your Housing Benefit decision
Please indicate which of the following three options you want – please tick one box only.
Ask for an explanation
If you do not understand how we have worked out your Housing Benefit, or you want to know
more about any part of the calculation, you can ask for an explanation.
We will provide you with a written explanation of how your Housing Benefit has been worked out
(a statement of reasons).
When you get the explanation, if you disagree with the decision or think we have made a mistake
you can:
Ask us to look at our decision again.
Appeal against the decision, in which case we will send your appeal to an independent
tribunal run by the Tribunal Service.
You must do this within one month of the date of our original letter (the time taken by us to
provide a statement of reasons is added to the one month).
Ask us to look at our decision again
If you think we have made a mistake you can ask us to look at our decision again. We will check
your claim thoroughly and take account of any information you have given. Please use this form
to explain to us why you think your Housing Benefit is wrong. You must do this within one month
of the date of our original letter (if you asked for a written statement of reasons the time taken by
us to provide this is added to the one month).
If we look at our decision again and decide it is wrong we will put it right and send you a new
decision letter with new appeal rights.
If we do not think we have made a mistake and do not change our decision we will let you know.
You can then accept our decision or you can appeal against the decision in which case we will
send your appeal to an independent tribunal. If you want to appeal you must write to us within
one month of us telling you that we have not changed our decision.
Appeal against the decision
You can ask us to do this without first asking for an explanation or for us to look at our decision
again. Your appeal must be received within one month of the date of notification of our Housing
Benefit decision.
Before we process your appeal we will check how we have worked out your benefit and correct
any mistakes. If this means:
We can pay you more Housing Benefit we will let you know and we will not send your
appeal to the Tribunals Service. The letter telling you our new decision will give you new
appeal rights.
We do not change our Housing Benefit decision we will send your appeal to the Tribunals
We change our Housing Benefit decision but not in your favour, you will be given the
opportunity to make representations against this new decision. If you do not reply or you
reply and nothing changes, your appeal will continue but against this new decision. When
we send the case to the Tribunals Service we will send you a copy of the information we


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