Form 58-Ext - Partnership Extension Payment - 2010

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North Dakota Offi ce of State Tax Commissioner
Partnership Extension Payment
How to make payment
If a partnership is applying for an
Complete the extension payment
extension of time to fi le the 2010
voucher below, detach it from this
Form 58, it may prepay the tax that
page, and mail it with a check (or
is expected to be due on it to avoid
money order) to:
paying extension interest. Using this
Offi ce of State Tax Commissioner
voucher will assure proper processing
600 E. Boulevard Ave., Dept. 127
of the payment. The payment must be
Bismarck, ND 58505-0599
made no later than the 15th day of the
4th month following the end of the tax
Be sure to record the details of
the payment for reference when
completing the 2010 Form 58.
Important: Do not use this extension
payment voucher if:
• The 2010 Form 58 is fi led on
or before the due date (without
• The tax balance due is going to be
paid after the due date (without
extension) of the 2010 Form 58.
Record of payment
Any tax due with the return is subject
Record the payment here and place in
to extension interest.
2010 tax records
Date of payment: ______________
Check number: ______________
Amount paid: ______________
Cut along this line to detach voucher
North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner
Extension Payment (#5)
Partnership extension payment
Due 15th day of 4th month
following end of tax year
Calendar year 2010
(Jan. 1 - Dec. 31. 2010)
Fiscal year:
, 2010, and ends
Name as it will appear on North Dakota Form 58
Amount of Payment $
Mailing address
For Tax
City, state and zip code
Phone number
use only
Make check or money order payable to "North Dakota State Tax Commissioner"
Mail to: Office of State Tax Commissioner, 600 E. Boulevard Ave., Dept. 127,
Bismarck, ND 58505-0599
Write "2010 Form 58-EXT" on check or money order


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