Instructions For Form 8867 - Paid Preparer'S Earned Income Credit Checklist - 2013 Page 2


Line 13c
Line 23
If you checked “Yes” on line 13a, the child meets the conditions
Check “Does not apply” if the answer to question 13a is “No.”
to be a qualifying child of both the taxpayer and at least one
Lines 24 and 25
other person. However, only one of those persons can treat the
child as a qualifying child and take, if otherwise eligible, all of the
If a reasonable and well-informed tax return preparer
following tax benefits using that child: the child’s dependency
knowledgeable in the law would conclude that any information
exemption, the child tax credit, head of household filing status,
the taxpayer has given you appears to be incorrect, incomplete,
the credit for child and dependent care expenses, the exclusion
or inconsistent with the taxpayer's eligibility to claim the EIC, you
for dependent care benefits, and the EIC. The other person(s)
must ask the taxpayer reasonable questions to get information
cannot take the EIC for people who do not have a qualifying
that is correct, consistent, and complete. You must document
child. In addition, the other person cannot take any of the six tax
the questions you asked and the answers you received. This is
benefits just listed unless he or she has a different qualifying
how you meet your knowledge requirement.
child. (There is an exception to this rule if the special rule for
Line 24. Check “Does not apply” on line 24 if you did not need
divorced or separated parents applies, because the
to ask any additional questions because you were not given any
noncustodial parent can claim an exemption and the child tax
information that appeared to be incorrect, inconsistent, or
credit for the child; see Rule 9 in Pub. 596.)
Tiebreaker rules. To determine which person can treat the
Line 25. There are three separate questions on line 25. They
child as a qualifying child, the following tiebreaker rules apply.
are labeled (a), (b), and (c). If the answer to any of them ((a), (b),
If only one of the persons is the child's parent, the child is
or (c)) is “No,” check “No.”
treated as the qualifying child of the parent.
If the answer to all three is “Does not apply,” check “Does not
If the parents file a joint return together and can claim the child
as a qualifying child, the child is treated as the qualifying child of
the parents.
Otherwise, check “Yes.”
If the parents do not file a joint return together but both
Lines 26 and 27
parents claim the child as a qualifying child, the IRS will treat the
child as the qualifying child of the parent with whom the child
You must keep copies of any documents provided by the
lived for the longer period of time during the year. If the child
taxpayer that you relied on to determine whether any child is a
lived with each parent for the same amount of time, the IRS will
qualifying child. See Document Retention, later, for details.
treat the child as the qualifying child of the parent who had the
If you did not rely on any documents, check the appropriate
higher adjusted gross income (AGI) for the year.
box (m, n, t and/or u on line 26 or k or l on line 27).
If no parent can claim the child as a qualifying child, the child
is treated as the qualifying child of the person who had the
Check all the boxes that apply. However, if you check box a,
highest AGI for the year.
m, or n on line 26, do not check any other box from b to l on
If a parent can claim the child as a qualifying child but no
line 26. If you check box o, t, or u on line 26, do not check any
parent does so claim the child, the child is treated as the
other box from p to s on line 26. If you check box a, k, or l on
qualifying child of the person who had the highest AGI for the
line 27, do not check any other box on line 27.
year, but only if that person's AGI is higher than the highest AGI
There is no limit to the number of documents you can enter
of any of the child’s parents who can claim the child.
on lines 26l, 26s, or 27j. If you need more space, use a separate
Subject to the rules just described, the taxpayer and the other
sheet of paper.
person(s) may be able to choose which of them treats the child
as a qualifying child. If the taxpayer allows another person to
Document Retention
treat the child as a qualifying child, check “No” on line 13c. For
examples and details, see Pub. 596.
You must keep the records described in 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, and 4e in
In many cases, the taxpayer should be able to tell you
the due diligence checklist at the bottom of page 3 of Form
whether his or her AGI is higher than the AGI of the child’s
8867. You must keep those records for 3 years from the latest of
parents or other person.
the following dates that apply.
The due date of the tax return (not including extensions).
Line 14
The date the return was filed (if you are a signing tax return
See the line 3 instructions for the definition of a valid SSN. If the
preparer electronically filing the return).
child does not have a valid SSN because he or she was born
The date the return was presented to the taxpayer for
and died during the year, check “Yes.”
signature (if you are a signing tax return preparer not
electronically filing the return).
Line 17
The date you submitted to the signing tax return preparer the
Check “Yes” if the taxpayer (or the taxpayer's spouse if filing a
part of the return for which you were responsible (if you are a
joint return) was born after December 31, 1948, and before
nonsigning tax return preparer).
January 2, 1989.
These records may be kept on paper or electronically in the
manner described in Revenue Procedure 97-22 (or later
If the taxpayer's spouse died in 2013, see Pub. 596 before
update). Revenue Procedure 97-22 is on page 9 of Internal
you answer.
Revenue Bulletin 1997-13, which is available at
Line 22
Check “Does not apply” if:
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask for you to obtain
The taxpayer does not have a qualifying child, or
the information on this form to carry out the Internal Revenue
The taxpayer's qualifying child is the taxpayer's son or
laws of the United States. You are required to obtain this


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