Instructions For Form 8867 - Paid Preparer'S Earned Income Credit Checklist - 2013


Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Instructions for Form 8867
Paid Preparer's Earned Income Credit Checklist
Future Developments
Line 9
For the latest information about developments related to Form
An adopted child is treated as the taxpayer's child by blood. An
8867 and its instructions, such as legislation enacted after they
adopted child is a legally adopted child of the taxpayer, or an
were published, go to
individual who is lawfully placed with the taxpayer for legal
adoption by the taxpayer.
General Instructions
A descendant usually refers to a grandchild or
great-grandchild of the taxpayer, or to a child, grandchild, or
Only paid preparers have to complete this form. The form must
great-grandchild of the taxpayer’s brother, sister, stepbrother,
be submitted with the tax return of any taxpayer claiming the
stepsister, half brother, or half sister.
earned income credit (EIC) if a preparer was paid to complete
A foster child is a child placed with the taxpayer by an
the return. If you are a signing tax return preparer electronically
authorized placement agency or by judgment, decree, or other
filing the return, file the form electronically with the return. If you
order of any court of competent jurisdiction. See Pub. 596 for
are a signing tax return preparer not electronically filing the
return, give the taxpayer the completed form for filing. If you are
a nonsigning tax return preparer, give the signing tax return
Line 10
preparer the completed form in electronic or non-electronic
Check “Yes” if the child was not married at the end of 2013.
Purpose of Form
In general, check “No” if the child was married at the end of
2013. However, check “Yes” if a married child is not filing a 2013
Paid preparers of federal income tax returns or claims for refund
joint return (or is filing it only to claim a refund of income tax
involving the EIC must meet due diligence requirements in
withheld or estimated tax paid), and either:
determining the taxpayer's eligibility for, and the amount of, the
You can claim the child as your dependent, or
EIC. Failure to do so could result in a $500 penalty for each
The reason you cannot claim the child as your dependent is
failure. See Internal Revenue Code section 6695(g) and Part IV
that you let the child's other parent claim him or her as a
of this form.
dependent under the special rules for children of divorced or
separated parents.
Specific Instructions
For details and examples, see Joint Return Test in Rule 8 in
Line 1
Pub. 596.
Line 11
Enter the name and preparer tax identification number (PTIN) of
the preparer who determined the taxpayer's eligibility for, or the
Even if the child did not live with the taxpayer for the required
amount of, the EIC, even if that preparer is not the signing
time, check “Yes” if the child was born or died during 2013 and
the taxpayer's home was the child's home for more than half the
Line 2
time the child was alive in 2013. Also check “Yes” if the child
lived with the taxpayer for over half of the year in one or more
If the taxpayer was married at the end of the year, he or she
homeless shelters in the United States.
usually must file a joint return to take the EIC. However, if the
Temporary absences may count as time lived at home.
taxpayer and his or her spouse did not live together for the last 6
months of the year, the taxpayer may be eligible to use head of
Military personnel on extended active duty outside the United
household filing status. See Pub. 501 for details.
States are considered to be living in the United States during
Line 3
that duty period.
A kidnapped child may be treated as living with the taxpayer
For purposes of taking the EIC, a social security number (SSN)
for over half the year if the child lived with the taxpayer for over
issued by the Social Security Administration (SSA) is not valid if
half the part of the year before the kidnapping. For details, see
“Not Valid for Employment” is printed on the social security card
Pub. 596.
and the number was issued solely to allow the recipient of the
SSN to apply for or receive a federally funded benefit. If the
Line 12
social security card specifies "Valid for Work Only With DHS
Authorization," the taxpayer can take the EIC as long as the DHS
If you checked “No” on line 9, 10, 11, or 12, but there is more
than one child, complete lines 8 through 14 for the other
(Department of Homeland Security) authorization is still valid.
child(ren) (but for no more than three qualifying children). If the
Any other SSN issued by the SSA is valid for EIC purposes. You
taxpayer does not have a qualifying child, go to Part III to see if
may find it useful to look at the social security card.
the taxpayer can take the EIC for taxpayers who do not have a
Line 8
qualifying child.
Enter only the child’s first name unless more than one child has
Line 13a
the same first name. In that case, enter other identifying
information to distinguish between the two children.
Check “No” if the taxpayer is filing a joint return and the only
other person who could check “Yes” on lines 9, 10, 11, and 12
for the child is the taxpayer's spouse.
Aug 23, 2013
Cat. No. 59407V


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