A Family Newsletter
Greetings, Family!
In science class, we are beginning a Physical Science unit called
“Sound.” During this time, students will learn how vibrations are
involved in producing sounds. They will learn that sound travels more
quickly through solids and liquids than through gases, and they will
see how musical instruments vary pitch.
You can make science come alive for your child in and around your
home. Encourage your child to listen to the pitch and volume of dif-
ferent sounds and help them identify what part of an object is vibrat-
ing to produce the sound. If you have any instruments in your home,
examine them to determine how the pitch is varied.
We are also collecting the items listed below. Can you lend us any of
them? If so, we need to receive your item by
instrument with strings
large cymbals
(autoharp, guitar, violin)
Finally, we can always use your help in the classroom. Do you or
other family members have a particular interest or special experience
with science? Would you be able to help with activities? If so, please
fill out the form below and have your student return it to class.
Thank you very much for your help!
Family Newsletter