Air - A Family Newsletter Template


A Family Newsletter
Greetings, Family!
You can’t see it, smell it, or feel it, but air is all around us. In our next
unit, “Air,” our science class will be studying the properties of air. We
will explore how air changes when it is heated, how air can be used to
move things, and how air’s low density causes it to rise in water. Stu-
dents will also learn how air can be useful for the operation of pneu-
matic lifts, parachutes, and airplanes.
You can make science come alive for your child in and around your
home. How do we know that air is around us if we can’t see it? How
do parachutes work? What makes an airplane fly? You can also have
your child look in magazines or newspapers for stories about air and
its uses.
For the hands-on activities in this module, we are collecting the items
listed below. Can you donate any of these items? If so, we need to
receive your donated materials by _________________.
2-L plastic soda bottle
small blocks
helium-filled balloon
food coloring
lamp, goose-neck style
small plastic water bottles
paper towels
bottle caps
Finally, we could use your help in the classroom. Do you or other
family members have any particular interest or special experience with
this topic? Would you be able to help with the activities? If so, please
fill out the form below and have your student return it to class.
Thank you very much for your help!
Family Newsletter


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