Publication 926 - Household Employer'S Tax Guide - 2003 Page 9


that employee with the Forms W –2 and Form W – 3 for
How long to keep records. Keep your employment tax
your business or farm employees.
records for at least 4 years after the due date of the return
on which you report the taxes or the date the taxes were
For information on filing Form 941, get Publication 15.
paid, whichever is later.
For information on filing Form 943, get Publication 51,
Circular A, Agricultural Employer’s Tax Guide. Both of
these publications also provide information about filing
Form 940 (or 940 –EZ).
Can You Claim a Credit for
Child and Dependent Care
What Records Must You Keep?
Keep your copies of Schedule H or other employ-
If your household employee cares for your dependent who
ment tax forms you file and related Forms W –2,
is under age 13 or for your spouse or dependent who is not
W– 3, W– 4, and W –5. You must also keep rec-
capable of self care, you may be able to take an income tax
ords to support the information you enter on the forms you
credit of up to 30% of your expenses. To qualify, you must
file. If you must file Form W –2, you will need to keep a
pay these expenses so you can work or look for work. If
record of your employee’s name, address, and social se-
you can take the credit, you can include in your qualifying
curity number.
expenses your share of the federal and state employment
taxes you pay, as well as the employee’s wages. For
information about the credit, see Publication 503, Child
Wage and tax records. On each payday you should
and Dependent Care Expenses.
record the date and amounts of all the following items.
Your employee’s cash and noncash wages.
How To Get Tax Help
Any employee social security tax you withhold or
agree to pay for your employee.
You can get help with unresolved tax issues, order free
publications and forms, ask tax questions, and get more
Any employee Medicare tax you withhold or agree to
information from the IRS in several ways. By selecting the
pay for your employee.
method that is best for you, you will have quick and easy
Any federal income tax you withhold.
access to tax help.
Any advance EIC payments you make.
Contacting your Taxpayer Advocate. If you have at-
Any state employment taxes you withhold.
tempted to deal with an IRS problem unsuccessfully, you
should contact your Taxpayer Advocate.
Employee’s social security number. You must keep a
The Taxpayer Advocate represents your interests and
record of your employee’s name and social security num-
concerns within the IRS by protecting your rights and
ber exactly as they appear on his or her social security card
resolving problems that have not been fixed through nor-
if you pay the employee either of the following.
mal channels. While Taxpayer Advocates cannot change
the tax law or make a technical tax decision, they can clear
Social security and Medicare wages of $1,400 or
up problems that resulted from previous contacts and
ensure that your case is given a complete and impartial
Wages from which you withhold federal income tax.
You must ask for your employee’s social security number
To contact your Taxpayer Advocate:
no later than the first day on which you pay the wages. You
Call the Taxpayer Advocate at
may wish to ask for it when you hire your employee.
1–877 – 777 –4778.
An employee who does not have a social security num-
Call, write, or fax the Taxpayer Advocate office in
ber must apply for one on Form SS –5, Application for a
your area.
Social Security Card. An employee who has lost his or her
social security card or whose name is not correctly shown
Call 1–800 –829 –4059 if you are a
on the card should apply for a new card.
TTY/TDD user.
Employees can get Form SS –5 from any Social
For more information, see Publication 1546, The Tax-
Security Administration office or by calling
payer Advocate Service of the IRS.
1 – 800 – 772 – 1213.
Free tax services. To find out what services are avail-
able, get Publication 910, Guide to Free Tax Services. It
You also can download Form SS –5 from the
contains a list of free tax publications and an index of tax
Social Security Administration web site,
topics. It also describes other free tax information services,
including tax education and assistance programs and a list
of TeleTax topics.
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