Publication 926 - Household Employer'S Tax Guide - 2003 Page 7


Advance EIC payments. You must make advance EIC
ployment taxes, as well as your income tax. You can pay
payments if your employee gives you a properly completed
the additional tax in any of the following ways.
Form W – 5, Earned Income Credit Advance Payment Cer-
Ask your employer to withhold more federal income
tificate. Use the advance EIC payment tables in Publica-
tax from your wages in 2003.
tion 15, Circular E, Employer’s Tax Guide, to find out how
much to pay your employee.
Ask the payer of your pension or annuity to withhold
Reduce the social security and Medicare taxes and
more federal income tax from your benefits.
withheld federal income tax you need to pay to the IRS by
Make estimated tax payments for 2003 to the IRS.
any advance EIC payments you make. See Publication 15
for more information about making advance EIC pay-
Increase your payments if you already make esti-
mated tax payments.
Notice about the EIC. Copy B of the 2003 Form W – 2,
Wage and Tax Statement, has a statement about the EIC
You may be subject to the estimated tax penalty if
on the back. If you give your employee that copy by
you did not pay enough income and household
February 2, 2004 (as discussed under Form W – 2, later),
employment taxes during the year. (See Publica-
tion 505, Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax, for informa-
you do not have to give the employee any other notice
about the EIC.
tion about the penalty.) However, you will not be subject to
If you do not give your employee Copy B of the Form
the penalty if both of the following situations apply to you.
W –2, your notice about the EIC can instead be any of the
You will not be subject to federal income tax with-
following items.
holding from your pay, pension, annuity, etc.
1) A substitute Form W –2 with the same EIC informa-
You would not be required to make estimated tax
tion on the back of the employee’s copy that is on
payments if you did not owe household employment
Copy B of the Form W – 2.
2) Notice 797, Possible Federal Tax Refund Due to the
Earned Income Credit (EIC).
Asking for more federal income tax withholding. If you
are employed and want more federal income tax withheld
3) Your own written statement with the same wording
from your wages to cover your household employment
as in Notice 797.
taxes, give your employer a new Form W –4, Employee’s
If a substitute Form W – 2 is given on time but does not
Withholding Allowance Certificate. Complete it as before,
have the required EIC information, you must notify the
but show the additional amount you want withheld from
employee within one week of the date the substitute Form
each paycheck on line 6.
W –2 is given. If Form W – 2 is required but is not given on
If you receive a pension or annuity and want more
time, you must give the employee Notice 797 or your
federal income tax withheld to cover household employ-
written statement about the 2003 EIC by February 2, 2004.
ment taxes, give the payer a new Form W –4P, Withhold-
If Form W – 2 is not required, you must notify the employee
ing Certificate for Pension or Annuity Payments (or a
by February 9, 2004.
similar form provided by the payer). Complete it as before,
You must give your household employee a notice about
but show the additional amount you want withheld from
the EIC if you agree to withhold federal income tax from the
each benefit payment on line 3.
employee’s wages (as discussed under Do You Need To
Get Publication 919, How Do I Adjust My Tax Withhold-
Withhold Federal Income Tax, earlier) and the income tax
ing, to make sure you will have the right amount withheld. It
withholding tables show that no tax should be withheld.
will help you compare your total expected withholding for
Even if not required, you are encouraged to give the
2003 with the combined income tax and employment taxes
employee a notice about the EIC if his or her 2003 wages
that you can expect to figure on your 2003 return.
are less than the EIC eligible maximum amount (see the
Form W –5 instructions for the 2003 maximum amount).
Paying estimated tax. If you want to make estimated tax
payments to cover household employment taxes, get
Form 1040 –ES, Estimated Tax for Individuals. You can
How Do You Make
use its payment vouchers to make your payments by
check or money order. You may be able to pay by direct
Tax Payments?
debit (automatic withdrawal) or credit card. See the form
instructions for details.
When you file your 2003 federal income tax return in 2004,
You can pay all the employment taxes at once or you
attach Schedule H, Household Employment Taxes, to
can pay them in installments. If you have already made
your Form 1040. Use Schedule H to figure your total
estimated tax payments for 2003, you can increase your
household employment taxes (social security, Medicare,
remaining payments to cover the employment taxes. Esti-
FUTA, and withheld federal income taxes). Add these
mated tax payments for 2003 are ordinarily due April 15,
household employment taxes to your income tax. Pay the
June 16, and September 15, 2003, and January 15, 2004.
amount due by April 15, 2004. (For more information about
using Schedule H, see Schedule H under What Forms
Payment option for business employers. If you own a
Must You File, later.)
business as a sole proprietor or your home is on a farm
You can avoid owing tax with your return if you pay
operated for profit, you can choose either of two ways to
enough tax during the year to cover your household em-
pay your 2003 household employment taxes. You can pay
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