Publication 926 - Household Employer'S Tax Guide - 2003 Page 3


contact the INS Office of Business Liaison at
pay state unemployment tax for your household employee.
1 –800 – 357 – 2099.
For the address and phone number, see the Appendix,
near the end of the publication. You should also find out
whether you need to pay or collect other state employment
You also can visit the INS web site at
taxes or carry workers’ compensation insurance.
to get Form I – 9.
Social Security and Medicare Taxes
The social security tax pays for old-age, survivors, and
disability benefits for workers and their families. The Medi-
care tax pays for hospital insurance.
Do You Need To Pay
Both you and your household employee may owe social
security and Medicare taxes. Your share is 7.65% (6.2%
Employment Taxes?
for social security tax and 1.45% for Medicare tax) of the
employee’s social security and Medicare wages. Your
If you have a household employee, you may need to
employee’s share is the same.
withhold and pay social security and Medicare taxes, pay
You can use Table 3 (shown near the end of this
federal unemployment tax, or both. To find out, read Table
publication) to figure the amount of social security
and Medicare taxes to withhold from each wage
You do not need to withhold federal income tax from
your household employee’s wages. But if your employee
asks you to withhold it, you can. See Do You Need To
Withhold Federal Income Tax, later.
You are responsible for payment of your employee’s
If you need to pay social security, Medicare, or federal
share of the taxes as well as your own. You can either
unemployment tax or choose to withhold federal income
withhold your employee’s share from the employee’s
tax, read Table 2 for an overview of what you may need to
wages or pay it from your own funds. If you decide to pay
the employee’s share from your own funds, see Not with-
holding the employee’s share, later. Pay the taxes as
If you do not need to pay social security, Medi-
discussed under How Do You Make Tax Payments, later.
care, or federal unemployment tax and do not
Also, see What Forms Must You File, later.
choose to withhold federal income tax, read State
employment taxes, next. The rest of this publication does
Social security and Medicare wages. You figure social
not apply to you.
security and Medicare taxes on the social security and
Medicare wages you pay your employee.
If you pay your household employee cash wages of
State employment taxes. You should contact your state
$1,400 or more in 2003, all cash wages you pay to that
unemployment tax agency to find out whether you need to
employee in 2003 (regardless of when the wages were
Table 1. Do You Need To Pay Employment Taxes?
IF you ...
THEN you need to ...
Pay cash wages of $1,400 or more in 2003 to any one Withhold and pay social security and Medicare taxes
household employee.
Do not count wages you pay to —
Your spouse,
The taxes are 15.3% of cash wages.
Your child age 20 or younger,
Your employee’s share is 7.65%.
(You can choose to pay it yourself and not
Your parent (see page 4 for an exception), or
withhold it.)
Any employee age 17 or younger at any time in
Your share is a matching 7.65%.
2003 (see page 4 for an exception).
Pay total cash wages of $1,000 or more in any
Pay federal unemployment tax
calendar quarter of 2002 or 2003 to household
Do not count wages you pay to —
Your spouse,
The tax is usually 0.8% of cash wages.
Your child age 20 or younger, or
Wages over $7,000 a year per employee are not
Your parent.
You also may owe state unemployment tax.
Note: If neither A nor B above applies, you do not need to pay any federal employment taxes. But you may still need to pay state
employment taxes.
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