Publication 926 - Household Employer'S Tax Guide - 2003 Page 2


employment taxes for 2003. You generally must add your
federal employment taxes to the income tax that you will
report on your 2003 federal income tax return.
This publication will help you decide whether you have a
Yard workers
household employee and, if you do, whether you need to
Similar domestic workers
pay federal employment taxes (social security tax, Medi-
care tax, federal unemployment tax, and federal income
Workers who are not your employees. If only the
tax withholding). It explains how to figure, pay, and report
these taxes for your household employee. It also explains
worker can control how the work is done, the worker is not
what records you need to keep.
your employee but is self-employed. A self-employed
This publication also tells you where to find out whether
worker usually provides his or her own tools and offers
you need to pay state unemployment tax for your house-
services to the general public in an independent business.
hold employee.
A worker who performs child care services for you in his
or her home generally is not your employee.
Comments and suggestions. We welcome your com-
If an agency provides the worker and controls what work
ments about this publication and your suggestions for
is done and how it is done, the worker is not your em-
future editions.
You can e-mail us while visiting our web site at
Example. You made an agreement with John Peters to
You can write to us at the following address:
care for your lawn. John runs a lawn care business and
offers his services to the general public. He provides his
Internal Revenue Service
own tools and supplies, and he hires and pays any helpers
Tax Forms and Publications
he needs. Neither John nor his helpers are your household
1111 Constitution Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20224
More information. More information about who is an em-
ployee is in Publication 15 –A, Employer’s Supplemental
We respond to many letters by telephone. Therefore, it
Tax Guide.
would be helpful if you would include your daytime phone
number, including the area code, in your correspondence.
Can Your Employee Legally
Do You Have a Household
Work in the United States?
It is unlawful for you knowingly to hire or continue
You have a household employee if you hired someone to
to employ an alien who cannot legally work in the
do household work and that worker is your employee. The
United States.
worker is your employee if you can control not only what
work is done, but how it is done. If the worker is your
When you hire a household employee to work for you on
employee, it does not matter whether the work is full time
a regular basis, you and the employee must complete the
or part time or that you hired the worker through an agency
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) Form I –9,
or from a list provided by an agency or association. It also
Employment Eligibility Verification. No later than the
does not matter whether you pay the worker on an hourly,
first day of work, the employee must complete the em-
daily, or weekly basis or by the job.
ployee section of the form by providing certain required
Example. You pay Betty Shore to babysit your child and
information and attesting to his or her current work eligibil-
do light housework 4 days a week in your home. Betty
ity status in the United States. You must complete the
follows your specific instructions about household and
employer section by examining documents presented by
child care duties. You provide the household equipment
the employee as evidence of his or her identity and em-
and supplies that Betty needs to do her work. Betty is your
ployment eligibility. Acceptable documents to establish
household employee.
identity and employment eligibility are listed on Form I –9.
You should keep the completed Form I –9 in your own
Household work. Household work is work done in or
records. Do not submit it to the IRS, the INS, or any other
around your home by the following people.
government or other entity. The form must be kept avail-
able for review upon notice by an authorized U.S. Govern-
ment official.
Cleaning people
Two copies of Form I –9 are contained in the INS Hand-
book for Employers (Form M –274).
Call the INS at 1–800 – 870 –3676 to order the
Handbook for Employers. If you have questions
Health aides
about the employment eligibility verification pro-
Private nurses
cess or other immigration-related employment matters,
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