Form Ct-W3 (Drs) - Connecticut Annual Reconciliation Of Withholding - 2013


Department of Revenue Services
Form CT-W3 (DRS)
State of Connecticut
PO Box 2930
Connecticut Annual Reconciliation of Withholding
Hartford CT 06104-2930
Complete this return in blue or black ink only.
(Rev. 12/12)
Electronic Filing Requirements - Read instructions on back before completing this form.
General Instructions
Line Instructions
Form CT-W3 (DRS) may be used by new employers or employers
Line 1
who have not received their 2013 Connecticut Employer Wage
Enter total Connecticut income tax withheld from wages during
Withholding Returns and Instructions (TPG-067). Do not make a
the 2013 calendar year. This should equal the Total line on the
payment with this return.
back of this return.
When to File
Line 2
If fi ling electronically, Form CT-W3 (DRS) is due the last day of
Enter total Connecticut wages reported during the 2013 calendar
March 2014 and will be completed as part of the electronic fi ling
year. Connecticut wages are all wages paid to employees who
process when you upload Copy 1 of federal Forms W-2. If fi ling
are residents of Connecticut, even if those wages are paid for work
electronically, do not mail in Form CT-W3 (DRS). If fi ling by paper,
performed outside Connecticut by those resident employees, and
Form CT-W3 (DRS) is due the last day of February 2014.
wages paid to employees who are nonresidents of Connecticut if
those wages are paid for work performed in Connecticut by those
If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the
nonresident employees.
next business day is the due date.
Line 3
Employers must file every Copy 1 of federal Form W-2 with
Enter the number of W-2 forms submitted with this return.
Form CT-W3 (DRS) even if Connecticut income tax was not
Complete all requested information on the front and back of this
Where to File
Use the Taxpayer Service Center (TSC) to
Do not send a payment with this return. Payments are made
electronically fi le this return. See TSC on back.
using electronic funds transfer (EFT); Form CT-941, Connecticut
If fi ling by paper, mail completed return including
Quarterly Reconciliation of Withholding; and Form CT-941X,
Forms W-2 to the address on the return below.
Amended Connecticut Reconciliation of Withholding.
Rounding Off to Whole Dollars
Sign and date the return in the space provided.
You must round off cents to the nearest whole dollar on your returns
and schedules. If you do not round, the Department of Revenue
Household employers should not use this form to fi le their annual
Services (DRS) will disregard the cents. Round down to the next
reconciliation of withholding. If you are a household or agricultural
lowest dollar all amounts that include 1 through 49 cents. Round
employer, see back page.
up to the next highest dollar all amounts that include 50 through
99 cents.
Separate here and mail return to DRS. Make a copy for your records.
Connecticut Annual Reconciliation of Withholding
Connecticut Tax Registration Number
Federal Employer ID Number
Due date
February 28, 2014
Enter name and address below. Please print or type.
1. Connecticut tax withheld from wages
2. Total Connecticut wages reported
ZIP code
Number of W-2s submitted
I declare under penalty of law that I have examined this return (including any accompanying
schedules and statements) and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, complete,
Do not send payment with this return.
and correct. I understand the penalty for willfully delivering a false return or document to
DRS is a fi ne of not more than $5,000, or imprisonment for not more than fi ve years, or both.
Mail to:
Department of Revenue Services
PO Box 2930
Hartford CT 06104-2930
Signature __________________________________________________________
Title ______________________________________ Date ___________________


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