Department of Revenue Services
Form CT-1120A-LP
State of Connecticut
Corporation Business Tax Return
(Rev. 01/11)
Apportionment of Limited Partnership Interests
Enter Income Year Beginning ___________________, _______, and Ending __________________, _______
Corporation name
Connecticut Tax Registration Number
General Instructions
Complete this form in blue or black ink only.
corporation with economic nexus in Connecticut, must apportion
its income and minimum tax base using Form CT-1120A,
Complete Form CT-1120A-LP, Schedule I-LP, Schedule M-LP,
Corporation Business Tax Return Apportionment Computation,
and Schedule S-LP if a corporation, not otherwise carrying on or
or another applicable apportionment form.
doing business within Connecticut, is a limited partner in one or
more limited liability companies (LLCs) or limited partnerships
If the corporation elects not to be taxed on its distributive share
(other than an investment partnership) doing business, owning
of limited partnership income or loss, indicate by checking
or leasing property, or maintaining an offi ce within Connecticut,
the election box below and attach Form CT-1120A-LP to
if such corporation does not make an election to apportion its
Form CT-1120, Corporation Business Tax Return. Do not
income within and outside Connecticut. If a corporation has
complete any schedules on Form CT-1120A-LP other than
taxable interests in more than three limited partnerships, attach
the election box below. Compute the apportionment fraction
a schedule providing the information required on Schedules
for income on Form CT-1120A, Schedule Q or Schedule R.
I-LP, M-LP, and S-LP, for each limited partnership interest. If a
The apportionment fraction for the minimum tax base which
corporation is a limited partner in one or more investment limited
includes the value of all partnership interests is computed on
partnerships and the corporation is not otherwise carrying on
Form CT-1120A, Schedule S.
or doing business within Connecticut, the corporation is not
Check here if the corporation elects not to be taxed on its
required to fi le a corporation business tax return.
distributive share of limited partnership income or loss.
A corporation that is a general partner in a partnership which
does business in Connecticut, or a corporation that otherwise
is carrying on or doing business in Connecticut, including a
Schedule I-LP —
Connecticut Distributive Share of Limited Partnership Income
Complete this schedule to compute the distributive share of limited partnership income apportionable to Connecticut.
Column A - Enter the name of each limited partnership that has Connecticut-sourced income.
Column B - Enter the Federal Employer Identifi cation Number (FEIN) of each limited partnership that has Connecticut-sourced
Column C - Enter the amount of the distributive share of partnership income or loss as determined for federal income tax purposes
for each limited partnership to the extent the income or loss is derived from or connected with Connecticut sources.
Column B
Column C
Column A
Name of Limited Partnership
Partnership’s FEIN
Connecticut-Source Income
Total: Add Lines 1 through 3, Column C. Enter here and on
Form CT-1120, Schedule A, Line 3.