Local Church Self Evaluation Form


Safe Sanctuaries
Local Church Self Evaluation Form
We screen and check references for all paid employees,
including clergy, who have any contact with children and/or
We screen all volunteer workers for any position involving work
with children and / or youth.
We train at least annually all volunteer and/or paid workers with
children/youth to understand the nature of abuse and to
recognize indicators of abuse.
We train at least annually all volunteer and/or paid workers with
children/youth in how to carry out our policies to prevent abuse.
Our workers and volunteers are informed of state law
requirements regarding abuse and their responsibility for
reporting incidents.
We have a clear reporting procedure for a suspected incident of
abuse that follows the requirements of our state law.
We have insurance coverage available in case a complaint of
abuse occurs.
We have a clearly defined building usage strategy as a
component of our abuse prevention plan.
We have a clearly defined response plan to be implemented in
case an allegation of abuse is made against someone in our
We offer at least annual education opportunities to parents of
children and youth about how to recognize and reduce risks of
We take our policies to prevent abuse seriously, and we are
committed to their enforcement for the safety and security of all
our children, youth and the adults who work with them.
From: "Safe Sanctuaries: Reducing the Risk of Child Abuse in The Church" by Joy Thornberg Melton


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