Instructions For Form 121a - Urban Redevelopment Excise Return - 2013


An exact and complete copy of the taxpayer’s federal income tax return or other federal report as filed must be enclosed with this return. If
no such report is filed, a copy of the taxpayer’s balance sheet and income statement as prepared by its treasurer, auditor or accountant must
be enclosed. Any return filed without this information is incomplete and subject to assessment penalties.
Failure to file this return on or before March 17 2014 or within any ex-
Penalty for Late Return
tension of time granted, will subject the taxpayer to a penalty of 1% of
Every corporation, individual, trust, partnership or other entity sub-
Who Must File
the amount required to be shown as the tax less payments made on
ject to MGL Ch. 121A, as amended, must file an annual return on
or before March 17, 2014 for each month or fraction thereof, of delin-
Form 121A.
quency up to a maximum of 25%.
A valid return is a return which properly documents how the taxpayer
What Is a Valid Return?
The whole dollar method should be used when entering amounts in
arrived at their gross income figure on line 1. Preliminary or audited fi-
Whole Dollar Method
the Computation of Excise.
nancial statements and/or a copy of the federal form filed by the tax-
payer are examples of proper documentation. In addition, the taxpayer
must submit a letter from their city or town assessor attesting to the fair
The rate to be used when filing returns for the calendar year 2013 is
Local Tax Rate
cash value of their property as of January 1, 2014. Failure to meet
the rate established for the fiscal year July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014.
any of the requirements detailed in this section may result in a
penalty for filing an insufficient return. Such penalties may be as-
Gross income includes all gross receipts from whatever source,
sessed at double the amount of the tax due.
Gross Income
whether taxable or non-taxable. Gross income means payments
made by persons for the right to reside in or occupy a portion or all of
This return covers the 2013 calendar year and is due on or before
When and Where
re Returns Filed
the project. Gross income does not include federal interest deduction
March 17, 2014. Returns should be mailed to the Massachusetts
payments authorized by 12 U.S.C., s. 1715 z-1 (1970). Payments ac-
Department of Revenue, PO Box 7052, Boston, MA 02204.
tually made by a governmental unit to or on behalf of any tenant
which are in addition to payments actually made by the tenant are in-
cludable in gross income only with respect to projects undertaken
The entire amount of the tax less any previous payments made is
Payment of Tax
prior to March 22, 1976; and are excludable from gross income with
due and payable on the due date. Even though the corporation may
respect to projects undertaken on or after March 22, 1976, or pro-
obtain an extension of time for filing its return, there is no provision in
jects meeting the requirements of St. 1975, c. 827, s. 21.
the law for extending the time for payment. Any portion of the tax not
paid by the due date bears interest on the unpaid balance and a
penalty of 1% per month, or fraction thereof, up to a maximum of 25%.
Voluntary Contribution for Endangered Wildlife
Accordingly, even though a corporation secures an extension of time
Any corporation that wishes to contribute any amount to the Natural
for filing its return, it is required to make an advance payment of its tax
Heritage and Endangered Species Fund may do so on this form.
liability to prevent the imposition of interest on such amount from the
This amount is added to the excise due. It increases the amount of
due date until the date the return is completed and the balance of the
the corporation’s payment or reduces the amount of its refund.
tax is paid.
The Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Fund is administered
by the Department of Fisheries, Wildlife and Environmental Law En-
Extension of time for filing returns will be granted for reasonable
forcement to provide for conservation programs for rare, endangered
Extension of Time for Filing
cause upon request. A taxpayer requesting an extension must file
and nongame wildlife and plants in the Commonwealth.
Form 355-7004 Misc. on or before March 15, 2014. At the time of filing
Form 355-7004 Misc., taxpayers are required to pay 50% of the tax
Include in line 7 of the registration section the name, title and address
Contact Person
shown to be due on the return when filed, less credits, if any, for pre-
(if different from the registration address) of the person the Depart-
vious payments made. Failure to pay such amount with the filing of
ment should contact with any questions regarding the financial data
Form 355-7004 Misc. will result in the voiding of the extension and
associated with the project.
the imposition of a late filing penalty.


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