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Code of Ethics
As an Investigator, I swear or affirm that I will, at all times, demonstrate the core values that
are integral to the field of private investigation as follows:
Character. Good character includes being respectful and courteous, being faithful
and diligent, using discretion, demonstrating compassion and exhibiting courage;
Honesty. Honesty includes integrity, credibility, acting honorably, adhering to the
facts and maintaining confidences;
Striving for Justice. Striving for justice includes just treatment, the quality or
characteristics of being just, fair and non-discriminatory;
Public Trust. Public trust includes maintaining public confidences, being law-
abiding and adhering to recognized industry standards; and
Respect for the laws and constitutions of this state and nation
[OAR 259-061-0040]
I will:
Obey all laws in the pursuit of an investigation;
Abide by all provisions of ORS chapter 703 and OAR chapter 259, Division 061 as
they relate to licensed investigators;
Never permit personal feelings, prejudices, political beliefs, aspirations, animosities
or friendships to influence my professional decisions;
Never compromise and will relentlessly perform my duties in accordance with the
law, courteously and appropriately, without fear or favor, malice or ill-will;
Maintain each client’s confidentiality within the limits of the law;
Accept sole responsibility for my individual standard of professional performance
and actions, taking every reasonable opportunity to enhance and improve my level
of knowledge, competence, and professional integrity;
Actively seek and report the truth in the performance of my professional duties;
Be above reproach in the financial aspects of my relationships with clients;
Abide by the terms of agreements made with my clients to the best of my ability;
Recognize that the credential of a licensed investigator is a symbol of public trust, to
be held only so long as I am true to the ethics of the investigative profession.
As an investigator I recognize that I am bound to this code of ethics and will constantly strive to
maintain them, dedicating myself to my chosen profession.
Printed Name
PI-ID Number or if new enter N/A _____________________________


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