Temporary Parking Permit Request Form


Temporary Parking Permit Request Form
Please return completed form to SUPD via interoffice mail Attn: Karina Bordas, via email
to kbarr@shepherd.edu, or in person during business hours.
Employee Name _________________________________________________________________________________
Department _________________________________________
Visitor Information
Name ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________________________________________
Vehicle Make __________________________________
Vehicle Model _________________________________
License Plate Number _____________________________
State _________________________________________
Purpose of Visit
Length of Stay ___
/________ to __
Parking Pass Delivery Preference (check one): _______ interoffice mail _______pick up at SUPD
All temporary parking pass requests must be made no less than 2 business days prior to visitor arrival. Passes can be
sent via interoffice mail or picked up in office during business hours.
Forms must be complete for processing.
Passes are to be hung from the rearview mirror of the vehicle facing out and parked in the indicated area.
If a visitor fails to register his vehicle he may receive a parking citation.


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