Mental Health Intake Form Page 2


Vittoria Donato Grant, LPC NCC | Trauma & Psychotherapy Associates
Suicide Risk Assessment
Have you ever had feelings or thoughts that you didn’t want to live ( ) YES ( ) NO
If YES, please answer the following. If NO, please skip to the next section.
Do you currently feel that you do not want to live? ( ) YES ( ) NO
How often do you have these thoughts? _________________________________________________
When was the last time you had thoughts of dying? ____________________________________
Has anything happened recently to make you feel this way? ___________________________
On a scale from 1 to 10, (ten being the strongest) how strong is your desire to kill
yourself currently?
Would anything make it better? __________________________________________________________
Have you ever thought about how you would kill yourself?
Is the method you would use readily available?
Have you planned a time for this?
Is there anything that would stop from killing yourself?
Do you feel hopeless and/or worthless?
Have you tried to harm yourself before?
Do you have access to guns?
Medical History
Please list all current prescription medications and how often you take them:
If none, write none
Current medical problems:__________________________________________________________________
Past medical problems: _____________________________________________________________________


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