Durable Power Of Attorney For Health Care - State Of Georgia Page 2


In section 8, sign and print your name, address, phone numbers, and the date before two
witnesses. If you are not physically able to do these things, Georgia law allows another person to sign and
date the form on your behalf, as long as he or she does so at your direction, in your presence and in the
presence of the two witnesses.
The two witnesses must be competent adults (18 years or older). Neither of them should be the person
you have appointed as your agent or successor agent. They may, however, be your relatives.
In the DECLARATION OF WITNESSES section beneath your signature, the date should be
inserted and the two witnesses should sign their names and insert their addresses beneath their
Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care must also be witnessed by your attending physician, who
should date and sign the ATTENDING PHYSICIAN ATTESTATION below the Declaration of
Witnesses section.
It is recommended that you keep the original of this form among your valuable papers; and that
you distribute copies to the agent (and successor agent) you have designated in section 1, to the rabbi and
institution/organization you have designated in section 3, as well as to your doctors, your lawyer, and
anyone else who is likely to be contacted in times of emergency.
We also recommend that you register a copy
of this form with a national living will registry, so that it can be accessed by any health care facility via computer.
Agudath Israel has made an arrangement with the New York Legal Assistance Group to register Halachic Living
Wills for our constituents with the U.S. Living Will Registry at no charge. Contact our office (212-797-9000 ext.
267) for the forms that will enable you to do this.
If at any time you wish to revoke this Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, you may
do so by destroying it, by a written revocation which is signed and dated by you or by someone else at
your direction, by an oral or other expression of your intent to revoke it before a competent witness who
confirms such expression in a dated and signed writing within 30 days of your expression, or by
executing a new copy of this form. By law, your marriage after the execution of this Durable Power of
Attorney for Health Care automatically revokes any designation of an agent other than a designation of your
spouse. Also, an appointment of your spouse as your agent is automatically revoked upon divorce or
dissolution of your marriage.
If you do not revoke the Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, Georgia law provides that it
remains in effect indefinitely. Obviously, if any of the persons you have appointed in the Durable Power of
Attorney for Health Care dies or becomes otherwise incapable of serving in the role you have assigned, it
would be wise to execute a new Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care.
It is recommended that you also complete the Emergency Instructions Card contained in the
Halachic Living Will brochure and carry it with you in your wallet or purse.
If, upon consultation with your rabbi, you would like to add to this standardized Durable Power of
Attorney for Health Care any additional expression of your wishes with respect to medical and/or post-mortem
decisions, you may do so by attaching a “rider” to the standardized form. If you choose to do so, or if you
have any other questions concerning this form, please consult an attorney.
These instructions are not part of the Halachic Living Will and need not be kept attached to the executed


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