Instructions on How to Fill Out the Blue MedicareRx
(PDP) Enrollment Form
NOTE: If you would like to save time and enroll online in one of our Blue MedicareRx plans, please go to
, select your state and then click on the “Enroll” tab to complete our secure online
enrollment form.
Please review all plan information carefully before making your selection. Once you have selected a plan, make
sure you use this checklist to ensure you have filled out the application completely:
IMPORTANT: Check which plan you want to enroll in. This is required for your application to be
considered complete.
Fill out the form completely, including your personal information and permanent residence street address
(and mailing address only if different from your permanent residence street address).
Write in your Medicare information or enclose a copy of your Medicare card or a copy of the verification
letter of your Medicare entitlement from Social Security or the Railroad Retirement Board.
IMPORTANT: Review the section on the Enrollment Eligibility carefully and choose the scenario that best
describes your eligibility status. This response is necessary and will determine your eligibility to enroll in
the plan.
Fill out the section on other drug coverage, as enrollment in a Blue MedicareRx plan may affect the drug
coverage you currently have.
Fill out the section on being a resident of a long-term care facility such as a nursing home, and include
the institution’s name, address and phone number.
You can find out if you are eligible for extra help to pay for your prescription drug costs by contacting
your local Social Security office, or by calling Social Security at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY users should call
1-800-325-0778), or by applying online at
Read the Important Information and Agreement sections. If you have any questions, call Blue
MedicareRx at 1-888-496-4174 (TTY/TDD: 711), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Sign and date the enrollment form before returning it to us. Any enrollment forms received unsigned
cannot be processed and may result in delayed enrollment.
Once you have completed filling out the Enrollment Form, please return it to us in the business reply
envelope provided; or mail it directly to Blue MedicareRx P.O. BOX 52067, Phoenix, AZ 85072-9854
If you are filling out the enrollment form for someone else: Please be sure to sign the enrollment form and
note your contact information and relationship to the enrollee. If you are authorized to act on behalf of
the enrollee under the laws of the state where the enrollee resides, your signature certifies that:
You are authorized under State law to complete this enrollment, and
Documentation of this authority is available upon request.
If you need an appointment of representative (AOR) form, please note that it will be included in your new
enrollment kit.
S2893_1634 Approved 06152016