Mine Design Plan Template - Ministry Of Energy And Energy Affairs Page 8


6. Diagrams and Plans:
Layout Plan of the Mining Operations- Please produce a detailed scaled drawing showing the location of the following, where applicable:
 Land boundaries
 Natural and man-made watercourses, and associated berms to be
 Mine boundaries
 Stockpiles for unprocessed minerals
 Vegetative buffers
 Stockpiles for processed minerals
 Offices and buildings
 Berms
 Hard ground surface area(s)
 Roadways in the vicinity and on the site
 Fuelling site (showing the location of storage tanks and bunds)
 Garage for storage and maintenance of equipment
 Processing Plant
 Known groundwater recharge area(s)
 Settling ponds
 Metered and un-metered water abstraction point(s)
 Silt Traps
 Water-abstraction wells
 Catchments
 Water pumps
 Benches
 Water discharge points
 Pits
 Any other feature(s) on the site
 Check Dams
 Storm-water drains
Please note that this plan must be approved by the Water Resources Agency
 Topographic map of the site (to be prepared by a Land Surveyor)
 Profile of mine site prior to mining activity along a North-South transect
 Profile of mine site prior to mining along an East-West transect
 A Geological Map of the proposed mining
 Geological cross-sections from the surface to the
o North-South direction and
o East-West direction
o Topsoil
o Overburden and
o Minable minerals
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