Date: …………………………….
Parking Space Owner’s Details (The Owner)
Details of the person Responsible
for the Vehicle (The Parker)
Phone No:-……………………………….
Phone No:-……………………….
Address:- ………………………………..
Post Code:-………………….
Post Code:-……………………
Parking Space Location: (sketch site plan on back) Reg. No of Vehicle:-…………………
This Agreement is made and entered into on the Date specified above between
the “Owner” and the “The Parker”.
1. The Owner hereby leases to the Parker the parking space/garage located at the
premises described above or at
Address if Different From Owner’s Home Address:-…………………………………….
Post Code………………………
for the following term:
Fixed Rental Period………………… ………………………
Rental Start Date:-……………………Termination Notice Required:-…………………………
2. The Parker agrees to pay the stipulated rent in advance on the ………. day of each
week/month or the day to the Owner or his agent by mail or in person at their
respective address as noted above. Or having done so previous by arrangement.
Rental Terms:
£………….. per day/ week / month (delete as appropriate)
Deposit: If Req.
3. Upon receiving any payment of parking space rent in cash, the Owner agrees to issue a
receipt if requested stating the name of the Parker, the amount of rent paid, the designation
of the parking space and the period for which said rent is paid.
4. The Deposit is to be returned by the Owner to the Parker in full providing there is no
outstanding rent due for payment, as outlined in the terms above.
5. The Owner is not responsible for or damage to any vehicle or any items left in a vehicle
parked in the designated space/garage. Unless caused by deliberate act and/or malice by
his/her self or member of his/her family but is bound by a “Duty of Care”.
6. The Parker is responsible for any damage caused by him/herself or by said vehicle to the
Owner’s property and/or articles in excess of normal use and wear and tear.
7. The Parker assures the Owner to remove the said vehicle from the Space/Garage on or
before the prescribed time(s) on the appropriate date(s).
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date first
above written.