Form Dr 9596 - Gaming License Renewal Application Form Page 6

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17301 West Colfax Avenue, Suite 135
Golden, CO 80401
Dear Applicant:
Thank you for your continued interest in becoming a licensed gaming employee. Before you submit your
application, I want to make you aware of a few facts.
The casino industry in Colorado is one of the most scrutinized businesses in the state, because Colorado citizens
want the industry and everyone involved in it free from even the hint of any corruption or deceit. That’s why we
take our regulation of the industry very seriously, including the issuance of licenses.
During the licensing process, we will conduct a thorough check of your background. If you pass our qualifica-
tions, you will be issued a key license that will allow you to work in a casino. You should know that a gaming
license is a privilege, not a right. And one thing you must do to obtain this privilege is be completely honest on
your license application.
In particular, we ask you on page 4 of the application: “...since you turned age 18, have you ever been arrested,
served with a criminal summons, charged with, or convicted of ANY crime or offense in any manner?” The
application goes on to tell you to explain ALL such arrests or charges no matter the final outcome.
Did you list ALL arrests and charges since age 18? Are you clear about what you need to disclose? If not, then ask
someone at the front desk to assist you and answer any questions you might have. Here are some of the excuses we
have heard from people who have failed to disclose arrests to us:
 My attorney told me I didn’t have to disclose.
 I didn’t think I was arrested, because I only got a ticket.
 I didn’t think the arrest had anything to do with gaming.
 I didn’t think that was still on my record.
But there is no excuse not to disclose an arrest. You have been informed throughout the application to disclose
ALL arrests. And you have just been informed again: You will not necessarily be denied a license if you have ever
been arrested, but you will be denied if you fail to disclose any arrest.
Flavio Quintana
Colorado Division of Gaming
I have read and understand this letter.
Signed ________________________________________________________ Date _____________________
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