California Form 3511 - Environmental Tax Credit - 2007 Page 2

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• Has not been at any time since September 1, 1988, owned
minimum tax (corporations, exempt organizations, individuals, and
or controlled by any refiner that at the same time owned or
fiduciaries), the built-in gains tax (S corporations), or the excess net
controlled refineries in California with a total combined crude oil
passive income tax (S corporations).
capacity of more than 55,000 barrels per stream day.
This credit cannot reduce regular tax below the tentative minimum tax
• Has not been at any time since September 1, 1988, owned
(TMT). Get Schedule P (100, 100W, 540, 540NR, or 541) for more
or controlled by any refiner that at the same time owned or
controlled refineries in the United States with a total combined
This credit is not refundable.
crude oil capacity of more than 137,500 barrels per stream day.
G Carryover
3. “Qualified capital costs,” with respect to the facility, are costs paid or
incurred during the applicable period that meet both CARB and EPA
If the available credit exceeds the current year tax, the unused credit may
regulations. The costs include, but are not limited to, expenditures
be carried over to the following year and the 10 succeeding years until
for the construction of new process operation units or the disman-
the credit is exhausted.
tling and reconstruction of existing process units to be used in the
In no event can the credit be carried back and applied against a prior
production of ultra low sulfur diesel fuel, associated adjacent or
year’s tax.
offsite equipment (including tankage, catalyst, and power supply),
engineering, construction period interest, site work, and permitting.
If you have a carryover, retain all records that document this credit and
carryover used in prior years. The Franchise Tax Board may require
4. “Applicable period,” with respect to the facility, is the period
access to these records.
beginning January 1, 2004, and ending May 31, 2007.
Specific Line Instructions
5. “Facility” is a small refiner’s petroleum refinery located in California
that has incurred qualified capital costs to produce ultra low sulfur
diesel fuel.
Current Year Credit
6. “Applicable EPA regulations” is the Highway Diesel Fuel Sulfur
Use line 1 through line 6 to figure any environmental tax credit from
Control Requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency.
your own trade or business.
7. “Applicable CARB regulations” is the Vehicular Diesel Fuel Sulfur
Skip line 1 through line 6 if you are only claiming a credit that was
Control Requirements of the California Air Resources Board under
allocated to you from a pass-through entity (S corporation, partnership,
Section 2281 of Article 2 of Chapter 5 of Division 3 of Title 13 of the
or LLC classified as a partnership).
California Code of Regulations.
S corporation, Estate or Trust, Partnership, or LLC (classified as a 
8. “Barrels per stream day” is the maximum number of barrels of
input that a distillation facility can process within a 24-hour period
Figure the total credit on line 1 through line 6. Then, allocate the line 6
when running at full capacity under optimal crude and product slate
credit to each shareholder or partner in the same way that income and
conditions with no allowance for downtime.
loss are divided.
E Basis
Part I
For more information, including basis reduction, see R&TC
Line 1
Sections 17053.62 and 23662.
Enter the number of gallons of diesel fuel produced with a sulfur content
of 15 parts per million or less.
F Limitations
Line 3
S corporations may claim only 1/3 of the credit against the 1.5% entity-
Enter 25% (.25) of the qualified capital costs (defined above) for the
level tax (3.5% for financial S corporations). The remaining 2/3 must be
facility that produces ultra low sulfur diesel fuel.
disregarded and may not be used as carryover. In addition,
Line 9
S corporations may pass through 100% of the credit to their
Enter the amount from your 2006 form FTB 3511, Part I, line 12.
Line 11
If a taxpayer owns an interest in a disregarded business entity [a single
The amount of this credit that can be claimed on your tax return may
member limited liability company (SMLLC) not recognized by California,
be further limited. Refer to the credit instructions in your tax booklet
and for tax purposes is treated as a sole proprietorship owned by an
for more information. These instructions also explain how to claim this
individual or a branch owned by a corporation] the credit amount you
credit on your tax return. Use credit number 218 when you claim this
receive from the disregarded entity that can be utilized is limited to the
credit. Also, see General Information F, Limitations.
difference between the taxpayer’s regular tax figured with the income of
the disregarded entity, and the taxpayer’s regular tax figured without the
Part II
income of the disregarded entity.
Line 1
An SMLLC may be disregarded as an entity from its owner, and is
Any credit amount previously claimed must be added back to your tax
subject to statutory provisions that recognize otherwise disregarded
liability if the facility was sold or removed from California within five
entities for certain purposes, for example:
years of the date which you first claimed the credit.
•  The tax and fee of an LLC
Enter the total here and on one of the following California tax returns or
•  The return filing requirements of an LLC
•  The credit limitations previously mentioned
• Form 100, 100S, or 100W, Schedule J.
Get Form 568, Limited Liability Company Tax Booklet, for more
• Form 109, 565, or 568, Schedule K.
• Form 540, Long Form 540NR, or 541, Other Taxes.
This credit cannot reduce the minimum franchise tax (corporations and
S corporations), the annual tax (limited partnerships, limited liability
partnerships, and LLCs classified as a partnership), the alternative
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