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Revised 8/2010
Regulations for Curricular Trip
Teacher(s) may request permission to take students in their classroom/program on curricular trip(s)
outside the school setting which reinforce and enhance learning by completing and submitting the
Request for Curricular Trip Form to the principal.
The principal may approve or deny the trip request in consideration of the following:
trip is an activity that is closely related to the content standards and instructional program
trip is a well-planned, organized learning experience that is an extension of classroom
trip reinforces and enhances learning by exposing students to experiences outside the
school setting.
Funding for curricular trips may include the curricular allocation provided for each school by the
Morgan County Board of Education, along with the program allocation provided for each school by
the Morgan County Board of Education, along with other funds as determined by the principal.
Chaperones included on the request form must be on the county approved chaperone list. The
number of chaperones needed shall be based on the ages and needs of the students.
At least one professional employee is required to ride each bus if students are being transported.
For planning purposes, the principal/designee, prior to submission of the request form, needs to
contact the transportation director to tentatively schedule any bus(es) needed.
If determined by the principal that the trip meets the criteria in B, D, and E and funding is available,
the trip may be approved.
The signed request form must be submitted by the principal to the superintendent’s office at least
two weeks in advance of the trip if in-state or tri-state area (within one hour driving range of
Morgan County), or if out-of-area trip, in a timely fashion which allows for the request to be placed
on a Board of Education agenda for action.
The central office programmatic director shall have authority to approve the trip, subject to available
funding, provided the criteria in B, D, and E are met.
If approved, the director shall immediately provide copies of the approved curricular trip
request form to principal, teacher making request, payroll department and
transportation director if a bus is requested.
If denied, the director shall immediately provide copies of the denied curricular trip
request form to principal and transportation director.
If out-of-area trip, the director shall place the request on a board of education agenda
for action. After board of education action, the superintendent shall follow either Steps
1 or 2 from above.
Upon receiving the approved curricular trip request form, the transportation director shall schedule a
bus(es) as needed. Bus(es) shall be scheduled on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Upon receiving approval and at least 24 hours prior to the trip, the principal/designee shall contact
the transportation director to confirm transportation if bus(es) is/are required.
In a timely fashion, prior to the trip, the principal and designated staff shall take appropriate
measures to inform parents about the trip and to secure permission for their child to participate.
If students are being transported on a bus, immediately prior to departure, the professional
employee on the bus shall:
provide the principal and bus operator a list of students and chaperones riding the bus.
take attendance to ensure all students scheduled to take the trip are present.
After arrival at the destination, staff and chaperones shall accompany and supervise students
engaged in the activity to ensure their proper conduct and safety.
Prior to departure for return trip, attendance shall be taken to determine that all students are
accounted for.
Upon returning to the classroom after the trip, appropriate follow-up instructional activities shall be
conducted as determined by the teacher(s).
Form - Request for Curricular Trip


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