Instructions For Form 8038-G - Information Return For Tax-Exempt Governmental Obligations - 1995 Page 2


agencies, the issuer may assign a letter of the
price of the entire issue (from line 20, column
Line 21.—Enter the amount of proceeds that
alphabet to each department or agency, and
will be used to pay interest from the date the
each may separately number its reports by
bonds are dated to the date of issue.
For a lease or installment sale, enter the
indicating both the report number and letter
total number of years the lease or installment
Line 23.—Enter the amount of the proceeds
(e.g., G1995-5-C, G1995-2-D).
that will be used to pay bond issuance costs,
sale will be outstanding.
Line 6.—Enter the date of issue. This is
including fees for trustees and bond counsel.
(f) Enter the yield, as defined in section
generally the date on which the issuer
148(h), in column (f) only if it has been
Line 24.—Enter the amount of the proceeds
physically exchanges the bonds that are part
that will be used to pay fees for credit
computed. The yield is the discount rate that,
of the issue for the underwriter’s (or other
when used to compute the present value of
enhancement that are taken into account in
purchaser’s) funds. For a lease or installment
all payments of principal and interest to be
determining the yield on the issue for
sale, enter the date interest starts to accrue.
paid on the obligation, produces an amount
purposes of section 148(h) (e.g., bond
Line 7.—Enter the name of the issue. If there
insurance premiums and certain fees for
equal to the purchase price, including
is no name, please provide other identification
accrued interest. See Regulations section
letters of credit).
of the issue.
1.148-4 for specific rules to compute the yield
Line 26.—Enter the amount of the proceeds
on an issue. If the issue is a variable rate
Line 8.—Enter the CUSIP (Committee of
that will be used to pay principal, interest, or
issue, write “VR” as the yield of the issue.
Uniform Securities Identification Procedure)
call premium on any other issue of bonds
number of the bond with the latest maturity. If
If the issue is a lease or installment sale,
within 90 days of the date of issue.
the issue does not have a CUSIP number,
enter the effective rate of interest being paid.
Line 27.—Enter the amount of the proceeds
write “None.”
(g) Enter the net interest cost percentage
that will be used to pay principal, interest, or
(NIC) in column (g) if the yield is not entered
call premium on any other issue of bonds
Part II—Type of Issue
in column (f). The NIC for an issue may be
after 90 days of the date of issue, including
Identify the type of obligations issued by
proceeds that will be used to fund an escrow
determined by dividing the total interest
checking the appropriate box(es) and entering
payments for the issue (increased by any
account for this purpose.
the corresponding issue price. The issue price
discount and reduced by any premium or
Part V—Description of Refunded
does not include interest from the date the
accrued interest) by the product of the issue
obligations are dated to the date of issue (if
price from line 20, column (c), and the
payable at regular intervals of one year or
weighted average maturity from line 20,
Complete this part only if the bonds are to be
column (e).
used to refund a prior issue of tax-exempt
a + b - c
Lines 9 and 10.—Attach a schedule listing
bonds. For a lease or installment sale, write
names and employer identification numbers
“N/A” on Part V.
x y
(EINs) of organizations that are to use
a = total interest payments
Lines 30 and 31.—Enter the remaining
proceeds of these obligations if different from
weighted average maturity of the bonds being
b = discount
those of the issuer.
refunded. Determine the remaining weighted
c = premium or accrued interest
Line 16.—Check the box on this line only if
average maturity without regard to the
x = issue price
lines 9 through 15 do not apply. Enter a
refunding. The weighted average maturity is
y = weighted average maturity
description of the issue in the space
determined in the same manner as on line 20,
column (e).
If the issue is a variable rate issue, write
“VR” as the NIC of the issue.
Line 33.—Enter the date of issue of the
Part III—Description of Obligations
bonds being refunded. If more than a single
For other than variable rate issues, carry
Line 19.—Enter the maturity date, the interest
issue of bonds will be refunded, enter the
the yield or the NIC out to four decimal
rate (or coupon rate), the issue price, and the
date of issue of each issue.
places (e.g., 5.3125%).
stated redemption price at maturity. (a) If
Example 1: An issue is made up of four
Part VI—Miscellaneous
there is more than one maturity date for
bonds, each with an issue price of $1. One
bonds that are part of the issue, enter the
Line 36.—If any portion of the gross
bond matures at each of the four annual
information for the bonds with the latest
proceeds of the issue are or will be invested
anniversary dates after the date of issue. The
maturity date. (b) Interest rates should be
in a guaranteed investment contract, as
weighted average maturity (WAM) is
carried out to three decimal places. If the
defined in Regulations section 1.148-1(b),
calculated as follows:
interest rate is a variable rate, write “VR” in
enter the amount of the gross proceeds so
column (b). (c) If the bonds are reoffered to
$1X1 + $1X2 + $1X3 + $1X4
= 2.5
invested, as well as the final maturity date of
the public, the issue price should be based
the guaranteed investment contract.
on the reasonably expected reoffering price.
Example 2: If in Example 1, the bond
Line 37a.—Enter the amount of this issue
The issue price does not include interest from
maturing at the end of the first year had an
used to fund a loan to another governmental
the date the bonds are dated to the date of
issue price of $1.1 (reflecting a premium) the
unit, the interest of which is tax exempt.
issue (if payable at regular intervals of one
WAM would be calculated as follows:
year or less). (d) The stated redemption price
Line 38.—Check this box if the issue is a
$1.1X1 + $1X2 + $1X3 + $1X4
at maturity is the amount payable (without
= 2.46
construction issue and an irrevocable election
regard to optional redemptions) at maturity
to pay a penalty in lieu of arbitrage rebate
(excluding interest payable at regular intervals
Example 3: Assume that the bonds described
has been made on or before the date the
of one year or less).
in Example 2 pay 5% interest at the end of
bonds were issued. The penalty is payable
each year that they are outstanding. Using
with a Form 8038-T for each 6-month period
For a lease or installment sale, write “N/A”
the above formula, NIC is calculated as
after the date the bonds are issued. Do not
on line 19, columns (a) through (d).
make any payment of penalty in lieu of
Line 20.—Enter in columns (c), (d), and (e) the
arbitrage rebate with this form. See Rev.
a = .20 + .15 + .10 + .05 = .50
issue price, stated redemption price at
Proc. 92-22, 1992-1 C.B. 736 for rules
b = 0
maturity, and weighted average maturity in
regarding the “election document.”
years (e.g., 8.7 years) for the entire issue.
c = .1
Line 39.—Check this box if the issuer
(d) The stated redemption price at maturity of
x = 4.1
identified a hedge on its books and records in
the entire issue is the sum of the stated
y = 2.46
accordance with Regulations sections
redemption prices at maturity of each bond
.50 + 0 - .1
1.148-4T(h)(2)(ix) and 1.148-4T(h)(5)(ii)(A).
issued as part of the issue. For a lease or
= .039659 = 3.9659%
4.1 X 2.46
These regulations permit an issuer of
installment sale, write “N/A” on line 20,
tax-exempt bonds to identify a hedge for it to
column (d). (e) The weighted average maturity
Part IV—Uses of Proceeds of Bond
be included in yield calculations for
is the sum of the products of the issue price
computing arbitrage.
of each maturity and the number of years to
maturity (determined separately for each
For a lease or installment sale, write “N/A” on
maturity and by taking into account
Part IV.
mandatory redemptions), divided by the issue
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