Site Plan Review - Boulder County Land Use Department Page 15


7. The development shall avoid significant natural ecosystems
11. The location of the development shall be compatible with
or environmental features, including but not necessarily
the natural topography and existing vegetation and the
limited to riparian corridors and wetland areas, plant
development shall not cause unnecessary or excessive site
communities, and wildlife habitat and migration corridors,
disturbance. Such disturbance may include but is not limited
as identified in the Comprehensive Plan or through the site
to long driveways, over-sized parking areas, or severe
plan review process. Development within or affecting such
alteration of a site's topography. Driveways or grading shall
areas may be approved, subject to acceptable mitigation
have a demonstrated associated principal use.
measures and in the discretion of the Director, only if no
12. Runoff, erosion, and/or sedimentation from the
other sites on the subject property can be reasonably
development shall not have a significant adverse impact on
developed, or only if reasonably necessary to avoid
the surrounding area.
significant adverse impacts based upon other applicable
13. The development shall avoid Natural Landmarks and
site plan review criteria.
Natural Areas as designated in the Goals, Policies & Maps
8. The development shall avoid agricultural lands of local, state
Element of the Comprehensive Plan and shown on the
or national significance as identified in the Comprehensive
Zoning District Maps of Boulder County. The protection
Plan or through the site plan review process. Development
of Natural Landmarks and Natural Areas shall also be
within or affecting such lands may be approved, subject to
extended to their associated buffer zones. Development
acceptable mitigation measures and in the discretion of the
within or affecting such Landmarks or Areas may be
Director, only if no other sites on the subject property can
approved, subject to acceptable mitigation measures and
be reasonably developed, or only if reasonably necessary
in the discretion of the Director, only if no other sites on the
to avoid significant adverse impacts based upon other
subject property can be reasonably developed, or only if
applicable site plan review criteria.
reasonably necessary to avoid significant adverse impacts
9. The development shall avoid significant historic or
based upon other applicable site plan review criteria.
archaeological resources as identified in the Comprehensive
14. Where an existing principal structure is proposed to be
Plan or the Historic Sites Survey of Boulder County, or
replaced by a new principal structure, construction or
through the site plan review process. Development within
subsequent enlargement of the new structure shall not
or affecting such resources may be approved, subject to
cause significantly greater impact (with regard to the
acceptable mitigation measures and in the discretion of the
standards set forth in this Section 4-806) than the original
Director, only if no other sites on the subject property can
be reasonably developed, or only if reasonably necessary
15. The proposal shall be consistent with the Comprehensive
to avoid significant adverse impacts based upon other
Plan, any applicable intergovernmental agreement affecting
applicable site plan review criteria.
land use or development, and this Code.
10. The development shall not have a significant negative visual
impact on the natural features or neighborhood character
of surrounding area. Development shall avoid prominent,
steeply sloped, or visually exposed portions of the property.
Particular consideration shall be given to protecting views
from public lands and rights-of-way, although impacts
on views of or from private properties shall also be
considered. Development within or affecting features or
areas of visual significance may be approved, subject to
acceptable mitigation measures and in the discretion of the
Director, only if no other sites on the subject property can
be reasonably developed, or only if reasonably necessary
to avoid significant adverse impacts based upon other
applicable site plan review criteria.
a. In reviewing development proposals in the Peak-to-
Peak Scenic Corridor Area, special attention will be paid
to the visibility of the development from the Peak-to-
Peak Highway, with the intent to ensure development is
minimally visible from the Highway.
b. For development anywhere in the unincorporated areas
of the county, mitigation of visual impact may include
changing structure location, reducing or relocating
windows and glazing to minimize visibility, reducing
structure height, changing structure orientation,
requiring exterior color and materials that blend into
the natural environment, and/or lighting requirements
to reduce visibility at night.
Form: SPR/03 • Rev. 10.14.14 • g:/publications/spr/SPR03SitePlanReviewStandards.pdf


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