Site Plan Review - Boulder County Land Use Department Page 13


Site Plan Review Standards
Site plan review is an administrative review procedure for certain proposed
developments which are considered likely to significantly impact important
ecosystems, agricultural lands, surrounding land uses and neighborhoods,
and infrastructure needs and demands, and which may be unsafe due to
natural hazards. This site plan review process for proposed new development
will allow any significant adverse impacts on the environment, agricultural
lands, surrounding land uses and neighborhoods, and infrastructure to be
identified, evaluated, and avoided or acceptably mitigated through the
imposition of reasonable conditions.
A site plan review application shall be reviewed in accordance with the following
standards, which the Director has determined to be applicable based on the nature and
extent of the proposed development.
Site Plan Review Standards - Article 4-806 of Boulder
Boulder County
County Land Use Code
Land Use Department
1. To provide a greater measure of certainty as to the applicable neighborhood
relevant for comparison, the following definition of neighborhood shall be used to
review proposed Site Plan Review applications:
a. For applications inside platted subdivisions, which have seven or more
developed lots, the neighborhood is that platted subdivision.
Site Plan
Site Plan
b. For applications within the mapped historic townsites of Allenspark, Eldora,
Eldorado Springs, Raymond, and Riverside, the neighborhood is defined as the
mapped townsite.
c. For applications outside of platted subdivisions with seven or more developed
lots or the townsites of Allenspark, Eldora, Eldorado Springs, Raymond, and
Riverside, the defined neighborhood is the area within 1,500 feet from the
applicable parcel. The neighborhood shall not include any parcels inside
municipal boundaries, platted subdivisions with seven or more developed
lots or the townsites of Allenspark, Eldora, Eldorado Springs, Gold Hill Historic
District, Raymond, and Riverside.
2. The size of the resulting development (residential or nonresidential) must be
compatible with the general character of the defined neighborhood.
a. In determining size compatibility of residential structures with the defined
neighborhood, it is presumed that structures of a size within the larger of a
total residential floor area of either (1) 125% of the median residential floor area
for that defined neighborhood or (2) of a total residential floor area of 1,500
square feet in the mapped townsites of Allenspark, Eldora, Eldorado Springs,
Raymond, and Riverside, or 2,500 square feet for all other areas of the County,
are compatible with that neighborhood, subject also to a determination that the
resulting size complies with the other Site Plan Review standards in this section
(i) The Boulder County Assessor's Records will be the base source of data to
determine both the median size within that defined neighborhood as well
Land Use Department
as the existing residential floor area on a given parcel, as verified by Land Use
Courthouse Annex Building
staff for the subject parcel.
2045 13th Street
PO Box 471
(ii) Median floor area will include the total residential floor area, as defined in
Boulder, CO 80302
Section 18-190.
Planning Division:
Phone: 303-441-3930
Fax: 303-441-4856
O ce Hours:
M, W, TH, F 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Form: SPR/03 • Rev. 10.14.14 • g:/publications/spr/SPR03SitePlanReviewStandards.pdf


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