Environmental Checklist: 7 Petroleum Refining Page 5


Environmental Checklist: 7. Petroleum Refining(5)
Environmental Item
Main Check Items
Confirmation of Environmental and Social Considerations
① Are the monitoring programs and environmental management plans of the project prepared?
② Are the items, methods and frequencies included in the monitoring program judged to be appropriate?
③ Does the proponent establish an adequate monitoring framework (organization, personnel, equipment,
and adequate budget to sustain the monitoring framework)?
④ Are any regulatory requirements pertaining to the monitoring report system identified, such as the format
5. Other
(3) Monitoring
and frequency of reports from the proponent to the regulatory authorities?
⑤ Are the results of monitoring planned to be disclosed to the stakeholders of the project?
⑥ Is there a processing mechanism in place, for solving problems related to environmental and social
considerations pointed out by third parties?
① Where necessary, pertinent items described in the Ports and Harbors checklist should also be checked
(1) Reference to
(e.g. projects including construction of ports and harbor facilities).
Checklists of Other
6. Notes
① If necessary, the impacts to transboundary or global issues should be confirmed (e.g. the project includes
factors that may cause problems, such as transboundary waste treatment, acid rain, destruction of the ozone
(2) Notes on Using
layer, and global warming).
1) Regarding the Standards for Confirmation of Appropriateness of Environmental and Social Considerations, confirm the background and rationale for deviation and the measures to rectify it if necessary, when the environmental
and social considerations of the project substantially deviate from the World Bank Safeguard Policies or IFC Performance Standards and a relevant section of EHS Guidelines, and also where appropriate compare with the
standards established by other international financial institutions, other internationally recognized standards, and/or standards or good practices established by developed countries such as Japan, in addition to environmental
laws and standards of the host nation and local governments concerned. For standards that current regulations in the host country has not been established, examine by comparison with the international standards such as the
World Bank Safeguard Policies and the standards of developed countries such as Japan.
2) Environmental checklist provides general environmental items to be checked. It may be necessary to add or delete items taking into account the characteristics of the project and the particular circumstances of the country and
locality, including the direct and immediate impact of projects, derivative, secondary, cumulative impact and impact of associated facilities, and the impact throughout the life cycle of the project.


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