Environmental Checklist: 7 Petroleum Refining Page 4


Environmental Checklist: 7. Petroleum Refining(4)
Environmental Item
Main Check Items
Confirmation of Environmental and Social Considerations
② If the project has adverse impacts on indigenous peoples' various rights in relation to land and resources,
is such rights respected?
③ Is the indigenous peoples plan prepared and made public? Does the indigenous peoples plan include
elements required in the standard of the international financial institution benchmarked in its environmental
(5) Ethnic
Minorities and
④ In preparing the indigenous peoples plan, is consultation made with the affected ethnic minorities and
Indigenous Peoples
indigenous peoples based on sufficient information made available to them in advance and are explanations
given in a form, manner, and language that are understandable to them?
⑤ Are the free, prior, and informed consents of the indigenous peoples obtained?
① Is the project proponent not violating any laws and regulations associated with the working conditions of
4. Social
the host country which the project proponent should observe in the project?
(6) Working
② Are tangible safety considerations in place for individuals involved in the project, such as the installation
of safety equipment which prevents industrial accidents, and management of hazardous materials?
③ Are intangible measures being planned and implemented for individuals involved in the project, such as
the establishment of a safety and health program, and safety training (including traffic safety and public
sanitation) for workers etc.?
① Is there a possibility that diseases, including communicable diseases, such as HIV will be introduced due
to immigration of workers associated with the project? Are adequate considerations given to public health, if
(7) Community
Health, Safety and
② Are appropriate measures being taken to ensure that security guards involved in the project do not violate
safety of other individuals involved, or local residents?
① Are adequate measures considered to reduce impacts during construction (e.g. noise, vibrations, turbid
water, dust, exhaust gases, and wastes)?
② If construction activities adversely affect the natural environment (ecosystem), are adequate measures
(1) Impacts during
considered to reduce impacts?
③ If construction activities adversely affect the social environment, are adequate measures considered to
reduce impacts?
5. Other
① Are adequate accident prevention plans and mitigation measures developed to cover both the soft and
hard aspects of the project, such as establishment of safety rules, installation of prevention facilities and
equipment, and safety education for workers? Are adequate measures for emergency response to accidental
(2) Accident
events considered?
② Are adequate accident prevention measures (e.g. installation of prevention facilities and equipment and
establishment of prevention management framework) taken for storage, loading/unloading, and
transportation of hazardous and dangerous materials?


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