Environmental Checklist: 7 Petroleum Refining Page 3


Environmental Checklist: 7. Petroleum Refining(3)
Environmental Item
Main Check Items
Confirmation of Environmental and Social Considerations
② Are the people affected by the project provided with adequate compensation and supports to improve
their standard of living, income opportunities, and production levels or at least to restore them to pre-project
levels? Also, is prior compensation at full replacement cost provided as much as possible?
③ Is the participation of the people affected and their communities promoted in planning, implementation,
and monitoring of involuntary resettlement action plans and measures against the loss of their means of
livelihood? In addition, will appropriate and accessible grievance mechanisms be established for the people
affected and their communities?
④ Is the resettlement action plan (including livelihood restoration plan as needed) prepared and disclosed to
the public for the project which will results in a large-scale resettlement or large-scale loss of means of
livelihood? Does the resettlement action plan include elements required in the standard of the international
(1) Resettlement
financial institution benchmarked in its environmental reviews?
⑤ In preparing a resettlement action plan, is consultation made with the affected people and their
communities based on sufficient information made available to them in advance and is explanations given in
a form, manner, and language that are understandable to the affected people?
⑥ Has appropriate consideration been given to vulnerable social groups, such as women, children, the
elderly, the poor, and ethnic minorities in the resettlement action plan?
⑦ Are agreements with the affected people obtained prior to the resettlement?
⑧ Is the organizational framework established to properly implement resettlement? Are the capacity and
budget secured to implement the resettlement action plan?
⑨ Is a plan developed to monitor the impacts of resettlement?
4. Social
① Is there a possibility that the project will adversely affect the living conditions of inhabitants? Are
adequate measures considered to reduce the impacts, if necessary?
② Is there a possibility that large vehicle traffic for transportation of materials, such as raw materials and
products will cause impacts on traffic in the surrounding areas and impede the movement of inhabitants, and
(2) Living and
cause risks to pedestrians?
③ Is there a possibility that the amount of water used (e.g. surface water, groundwater) by the project will
adversely affect the existing water uses and water area uses?
④ Has appropriate consideration been given to vulnerable social groups, such as women, children, the
elderly, the poor, ethnic minorities and indigenous peoples?
① Is there a possibility that the project will damage the local archeological, historical, cultural, and religious
heritage sites? Are adequate measures considered to protect these sites in accordance with the host country’s
(3) Heritage
① Is there a possibility that the project will adversely affect the local landscape? Are necessary measures
(4) Landscape
① Are the impacts to ethnic minorities and indigenous peoples avoidable by project implementation? If
(5) Ethnic
unavoidable, are efforts made to minimize the impacts and to compensate for their losses?
Minorities and
Indigenous Peoples


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