Environmental Checklist: 7 Petroleum Refining Page 2


Environmental Checklist: 7. Petroleum Refining(2)
Environmental Item
Main Check Items
Confirmation of Environmental and Social Considerations
① Has the soil in the project site been contaminated in the past, and are adequate measures taken to prevent
(4) Soil
soil contamination by leaked materials, such as crued oil, products, and chemical agents?
① Do noise and vibrations from the operation comply with the host country’s standards?
(5) Noise and
② Is there a possibility that noise generated by large vehicle traffic for transportation of materials, such as
raw materials and products will cause impacts?
2. Anti-
① In the case of withdrawal of a large volume of groundwater, is there a possibility that it will cause
(6) Subsidence
① Are there any odor sources, such as hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans originating from crude oil
(especially sour oil containing relatively high levels of hydrogen sulfide)? Are adequate odor control
(7) Odor
measures taken?
① Is the project site located in protected areas designated by the host country’s laws or international treaties
etc.? Is there a possibility that the project will significantly affect the protected areas?
(1) Protected Areas
① Does the project cause significant conversion or significant degradation of forests with important
ecologically value (including primary forests and natural forests in tropical areas) and habitats with
important ecological value (including coral reefs, mangrove wetlands and tidal flats)?
② In case the projects involve the significant conversion or degradation of natural habitats including natural
forests, is the avoidance of impacted considered preferentially? If the impacts are unavoidable, will the
appropriate mitigation measures be taken?
③ Will the evaluation of the impacts on natural habitats by the project and consideration for the offset
measures be carried out based on expert opinion?
3. Natural
(2) Ecosystem and
④ Is the illegal logging of the forest avoided?
⑤ Does the project site encompass the protected habitats of endangered species designated by the host
country's laws or international treaties etc.?
⑥ Is there a possibility that the amount of water (e.g. surface water, groundwater) used by the project will
adversely affect aquatic environments such as rivers, in the case of development in the land area? Are
adequate measures taken to reduce the impacts on aquatic environments, such as aquatic organisms?
⑦ If any adverse impacts on ecosystem are predicted, are adequate measures taken to reduce the impacts on
① Is there a possibility that the installation of structures will cause a large-scale alteration of topographic
(3) Topography
features and geological structures around the project site?
and Geology
① Are involuntary resettlement and loss of means of livelihoods avoidable by project implementation? If
unavoidable, are efforts made to minimize the impacts caused by the resettlement and loss of means of
4. Social
(1) Resettlement


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