Environmental Checklist: 7 Petroleum Refining


Environmental Checklist: 7. Petroleum Refining(1)
Environmental Item
Main Check Items
Confirmation of Environmental and Social Considerations
① Have ESIA reports been officially completed? Have ESIA reports been written in the official language or
a language widely used in the host country?
② Have ESIA reports been approved by the government of the host country?
(1) ESIA and
③ Have ESIA reports been unconditionally approved? If conditions are imposed on the approval of ESIA
reports, are the conditions satisfied?
④ In addition to the above approvals, have other required environmental permits been obtained from the
appropriate regulatory authorities of the host country’s government?
1. Permits and
① Is the project accepted in a manner that is socially appropriate to the country and locality throughout the
preparation and implementation stages of the project based on sufficient consultations with stakeholders,
such as local residents, conducted via disclosure of project information and potential impacts?
② Are the records of such consultations with the stakeholders, such as local residents, prepared?
(2) Explanations to
③ Are the written materials for the disclosure prepared in a language and form understandable to the local
the Public
④ Are ESIA reports available at all times for perusal by stakeholder such as local residents, and copying of
the reports permitted?
⑤ Are proper responses made to comments from the public and regulatory authorities?
① Do air pollutants, such as soot and dust, heavy metals (such as Ni and V), sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen
oxides (NOx), and hydrogen sulfide emitted from various sources, such as boilers, furnaces, catalytic
converters, coking units (thermal cracking units for residual oils), and other ancillary facilities comply with
the host country's emission standards?
② Is there a possibility that air pollutants emitted from the flare system will adversely affect the surrounding
(1) Air Quality
③ Is there a possibility that air pollutants emitted from the project will cause areas that do not comply with
the host country’s ambient air quality standards?
④ Are adequate measures taken to reduce GHG emissions from the project?
① Do pollutants, such as BOD, COD, oil and grease, phenols, benzene, and heavy metals contained in
2. Anti-
effluents (including cooling water) from various process units and other ancillary facilities comply with the
host country’s effluent standards?
② Does the quality of sanitary wastewater and stormwater comply with the host country's effluent
(2) Water Quality
③ Are adequate measures taken to prevent contamination of surface water and groundwater by these
effluents? Is there a possibility that the effluents from the project will cause areas that do not comply with
the host country’s ambient water quality standards?
① Are wastes, such as organic compounds and hazardous wastes containing heavy metals (such as spent
catalysts, collected dust, liquid wastes, and sludges) from various process units properly stabilized, treated
and disposed of in accordance with the laws and regulations of the host country? Are non-hazardous wastes
(3) Waste
also properly treated and disposed of in accordance with the laws and regulations of the host country?
② Are adequate measures taken to prevent contamination of soil and groundwater by leachates from the
waste disposal sites?


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