Income Assessment Form For Edmonton Zone Ambulatory Community Physiotherapy


Income Assessment Form
for Edmonton Zone Ambulatory
Community Physiotherapy
Completion Instructions:
To be eligible for further Alberta Health Services (AHS) Allied Health – Edmonton Zone funded
physiotherapy treatments based upon your income status; you will need to provide proof to your
physiotherapy clinic that you are currently covered by one of the following government subsidy
programs (Section A). If you do not participate in any of the programs listed in Section A, go to
Section B or C.
If you meet one of the low income qualifications, you will receive up to 4 more funded visits paid by
AHS, Allied Health – Edmonton Zone. You may receive further visits if your case is approved by
Allied Health – Edmonton Zone.
Client Information
(Print clearly)
Last Name:
First Name:
Alberta’s Personal Health Number (PHN):
What is your family size (include yourself, spouse/common-law partner and dependent children)?
Section A – Government Subsidy Program
If you receive assistance from one of the government programs listed below, fill out Section A
only. Place a check beside the government program(s) from which you receive assistance. In
order to be eligible for further funded physiotherapy, provide proof of participation in the program to
the physiotherapy clinic.
Alberta Seniors Benefit (must be receiving Monthly Cash Benefit)
Alberta Works – Adult Health Benefit: extended health benefit for people leaving AISH or Alberta Works
Alberta Works – Alberta Child Health Benefit Plan
Alberta Works – Alberta Income Support
Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH)
Federal Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) for Seniors
Special Needs Assistance for Seniors (Alberta)
Student Aid Alberta (student loans)
I verify that valid documentation of participation in one of the above government programs has been
presented to me.
Physical Therapy Clinic Staff Signature
Date (dd/mmm/yyyy)
Effective September 1, 2014
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